SIM:A Strange Performance

PNPCs Jean Baptiste Dakarai / Ara / Glutik - A Strange Performance

((SB118 Diplomatic Corps – Turbolift))

::The two occupants inside the turbolift had remained silent and well away from each other. From Ara's point of view, it was a natural aversion. The Tellarite who had had the audacity to invade `her' lift looked not only repulsive, she was concerned that he might try to steal her handbag. In it was something she never thought she would even consider: a gift for her grandson. Well, gift by Terran definition, and bribe by Ferengi standard.::

::The Tellarite Glutik, on his side, was snorting his contempt for the Ferengi woman at every opportunity. Would she sigh, hold her stupid bag tighter or simply look in his direction, and a funny observation would pop in his mind. However, he wasn't in the slightest bit amused when he realised that they were both stopping on the same floor. Despite her age and walking with a stick, the old woman was fast and she managed to leave the cabin before him. She then trotted to one specific door, which also happened to be his destination: that of diplomat Brek.::

Glutik: ::Once he too had reached Brek's door, he looked down at the abject little woman.:: Do you have an appointment?

Ara: ::not even bothering to glance at her interlocutor.:: I don't need any silly authorisation to see Mr Brek. He is my grandson, so obviously I take precedence over whatever it is that you think you are doing here.

Glutik ::Snorting some more.:: I would have you know that I am in the employ of Mr Brek. He sent me to perform a very delicate AND important mission. I am here to give him the results of my findings.

Ara: oO Poor creature, he is obviously delusional... Oo

::Their hands both went for the buzzer at the same time, and Glutik had the satisfaction to be the one to actually press the device, since the Ferengi flinched when her fingers nearly brushed against his skin.::

Glutik: ::Talking to the door.:: Mr Brek! This is ..hmm... Mr Glutik. You'll be pleased to know that I have the results you asked for.

::He obtained no response, so he tried the buzzer, again, and again, but ultimately, he had to admit defeat.::

Glutik: He is not here.

Ara: Of course he is here. He simply does not want to have anything to do with you, which is perfectly understandable! Do yourself a favour, and leave. It would improve your standing greatly, since you would then stop making a fool of yourself.

Glutik: ::Shouting.:: You have no right to speak to one of Brek's operatives in this manner! I say he heard your silly voice, and is playing dead until he is sure you've gone away!

Ara: ::shouting even louder.:: This is Mr Brek to you! And since you are so important, show me your appointment! Go on!I am very curious to see what job title Mr Brek gave you!

::Ensign Dakarai emerged from his office at this moment, disturbed by all the shouting in the corridor. He was in the process of putting a jacket on, and after a particularly unpleasant day, his patience for problems was wearing thin.::

Dakarai: Vous êtes malades ou quoi? (ooc: Are you insane?) What is this all about?!

Ara: I was there first, ensign! I wish to see my grandson. This is urgent. He was supposed to pay me a visit today, but I never saw him.

Glutik: ::With contempt.:: What a surprise. We all know what Brek thinks of you! Now, moving on to...

Dakarai: Enough! Brek is not available at the moment. I suggest you come back tomorrow. Or better still, give me what you have for him, and I will make sure he gets it.

Ara: ::Clutching her handbag to her chest.:: I'd rather come back, thank you.

Glutik: ::Doing his best to look self-important.:: Same here. The file I have for him is very-extremely-confidential.

Dakarai: Very well. Off you go then, quietly. ::He shooed them away.:: You know the way. I hear one more sound coming from either of you, and I call the guards.

::Ara glared at him. She was in a good mind to give him some literal stick with her walking cane, but she thought better of it. The ensign had an unpleasant look about him. It probably meant that any retaliation would see her banned from entering this building. So she resolved to walk away, but only at a snail pace. Glutik took this for a weakness, and rushed to the turbolift, making sure the doors closed as soon as he was inside.::

::Dakarai observed this strange performance and shook his head, baffled.::

Dakarai: oO Why can't I have a chief who associates with normal people? Oo

::He returned to his office and sat down, not convinced at all that he should go to the soirée. A night in a fine restaurant, that's what he truly wanted.::

Dakarai: oO Just imagine that: eating a steak-frites without having to speak to anyone. Oo

::He couldn't do that yet, though. Something unpleasant had surfaced via the Consular Directorate, where the Permanent Under-Secretary (which everyone called PUS) was pushing a missing person dossier. This type of thing was common enough, although mostly with civilians, and was a real bureaucratic nightmare. You have to liaise with everyone, try to control the press and keep track of every little action that's being done. Such procedures could take years, and often ended abruptly when the relatives of the missing person could not longer fund the search.::

::He rubbed the back of his neck and words formed in his mind. Although it was not absolutely urgent, he would play it safe and send a message to Brek. Start lightly by announcing what had just happened in the corridor, then drop the bombshell. An Ensign Wade Harris from the Housing Department (Starbase 118 Operations Division) had been reported as a missing person and the PUS had set his mind on the case. This meant that their department would have to liaise with Ops, Intel and Security to, hopefully, find her whereabouts.::

::Once the note had been sent, Dakarai made his way to the New Orleans sector of the Starbase. He needed some quietude, and he would be damned if he had to speak another word in English tonight. ::


PNPCS Ara (Brek's grandmother), Glutik (Tellarite Freighter Pilot), Ensign Dakarai (Diplomatic Aide)

as simmed by:

Lt Cmdr Brek

Chief Diplomatic Officer

SB118/USS Victory