SIM:A Rogue Amongst the Stars/Chapter 10

A Rogue Amongst the Stars
A Pirate Story featuring Silas Finley

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Chapter 10

((The Broken Fang, Pirate Raider, somewhere in the Shoals))

After they were beamed back Li and a groggy Douglas, Crawford and “Rosie” remained on the bridge waiting as the minutes continued to tick down. Finally, Crawford’s patience had run out as he called out to Li.

Crawford: Get us out of here! Maximum impulse!

Li: What about Finley?

Crawford snickered at the mention of the name.

Crawford: If Finley’s as resourceful as he claims to be, I’m sure he’ll be just fine.

He then looked over at one of the other pirates standing guard nearby and ordered him to escort their remaining Trill “guest” back to the holding cell they’d made out of Li’s quarters.

But as the two left, leaving just Crawford and the other two pirates on the bridge, Li crossed his arms over his chest and stood away from the controls.

Li: He said he’d send a signal. He’s still got two minutes.

Douglas was still shaking off the effects of the phaser blast, but had regained enough of his faculties to sense the dangerous tension on the bridge. His hand automatically went to the hilt of the knife in his belt.

Douglas: That guy got us paid. We wait.

Madrid’s first mate stood up from his chair, stunned at the sudden courage the two lackeys had seemed to conjure out of thin air.

Crawford: You two would dare attempt a mutiny? The captain will have your heads!

Douglas: The Captain will be glad we’re finally bringing something valuable back, and you fought against it the whole time. We explain to her how you almost blew this whole score and getting kicked out of her bedroom will be the least of your problems.

Crawford grumbled as Douglas kept his hand on his knife. Finally, the other man walked away but turned to bark a final order.

Crawford: Two minutes and not a second more! In case you didn’t notice, there’s a Coalition Marshal cutter on its way.

Li turned back to gaze at the crippled Starfleet supply ship that hung out in space, plasma continuing to leak out of its nacelles.

Li: He’ll make it.

Crawford went out into the corridor from the bridge to check on the prisoner. In addition to the loot they’d stolen from Starfleet, they might be able to get a nice ransom out of her. And *that* at least Crawford would be able to take full credit for, having outwitted the notorious Silas Finley.

Smiling again at how pleased Madrid would be with him, he nodded to the guard standing outside the quarters to open the door. As it slid open, Crawford stepped in.

Crawford: All right, little lady, looks like it’s just you and-

But he stopped abruptly as he saw the now empty room. He looked back at the guard whose bewildered face was soon met with his closed fist.

((Transporter Room, USS Stevenson))

Once the beam completed the transfer, Roshanara found herself standing on the pad in the small transporter room of the supply ship. Ahead, she could see Teller at the controls, Kinan next to him--along with a couple of Starfleet security officers and a serious looking Andorian.

Teller: As promised, Commander. Computer ID confirms Captain Rosharana Rahman, and she’s got a perfectly cogent explanation for all of this.

Kinan shot him an incredulous look.

Shon: ::to Teller:: I’m looking forward to hearing it, lieutenant.

The Andorian CO nodded to the security officers to relax their posture before turning to the Kriosian.

Shon: Welcome aboard the Stevenson, Captain. Now would you mind telling me what the hell is going on?

The captain nodded as she stepped down from the transporter pad.

Rahman: Certainly.

But before the two COs got too far into the details, Teller spoke up, the clock still running.

Teller: Skipper, those pirates are still waiting for Finley’s ‘signal.’ Think it’s worth maintaining the ruse?

She glanced back over at Kinan, curious to see what the admin officer thought.

Kinan: We kept character until Li and Douglas left--whether or not they continue to buy the ruse is another story, though. You were transported away fairly dramatically. ::She paused.:: That said, it’d be nice to be on the same page as these pirates.

Roshanara looked back at Shon.

Rahman: It may prove useful for the future.

The Andorian’s antennae flexed before he turned back to the engineer, annoyed.

Shon: Very well. But just don’t break my ship anymore than you already have.

Teller: Consider it a Good Job Guarantee, sir.

Teller brought up the status display and checked the ship's systems. His clumsy sabotage had already been resolved by the crew, but there was still a loose cloud of drive plasma near the ship, vented when Teller compromised their diagnostic systems.

With a smile that would’ve done Silas Finley proud, Teller aligned the impulse engines and brought the ship to a sudden full impulse. The impulse flare ignited the drive plasma, and a vortex of shimmering green flame seemed to envelop the ship before it shot off and was gone from sight within moments.

Once he was done, Roshanara turned back to her Andorian counterpart.

Rahman: I’ll debrief you fully, commander, but I think first Commander Kinan, Lieutenant Teller, and I would appreciate getting checked out in your sickbay. And perhaps a warm meal as well.

Teller: And a shower. Possibly two or three. Please.

Kinan: Oh no. No showers until you fill out an incident report. I’m not doing all the paperwork for this--not this time.

With arrangements made, the three guests walked out into the corridor, making their way to the medical facility.

Rahman: Well, Mr. Teller… you never cease to amaze.

Teller: Thanks for...backing my play up out there, Skipper. I know it was crazy but you trusted me. I’m amazed it worked.

Rahman: Of course, lieutenant. And don’t worry about Commander Shon. Between me and Commander Kinan here, we’ll make sure the record’s set straight.

Kinan: No doubt it’ll be an amusing read for Admiral Washington.

Rahman: I also managed to sabotage the raider’s engines so that the Marshals will be able to track its emissions. Should make the cargo you helped them steal easier to recover.

Teller: Appreciate that Captain, it was a little wrinkle in my wildly complicated spur of the moment save our skins plan. I just figured that’d be part of the prison sentence.

She looked over and gave him a wink.

Rahman: Well, I can’t have my chief engineer locked up in the brig when we’ve got field trials for the new engine starting soon.

Teller: Next shoreleave, I’m locking myself in my quarters with a book. :shaking his head ruefully:: Vacation is going to kill me.

Rahman: Hmmph, you can have my copy of Demon of the Seas. I think I’m done with it for now.

She shook her head before tilting her head to one side, stretching a bit.::

Rahman: I’ve had enough adventures and pirates for now. A nice long bath with some bubbles sounds absolutely divine.

As they entered the turbolift and turned around, Teller spoke up in the confined space.

Teller: Yeah. Captain, after I sleep for about a week, I imagine you’ll be wanting an explanation for..uh…::Teller shrugged expansively:: all that.

The captain glanced back over at her chief engineer with a smirk just as the doors slid shut.

Rahman: Yarrr.

Continue to Epilogue