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Rhakuz is the fifth planet of it's system, and is homeworld to the Imperial Kazleti people.

Home System

  • Quadrant: Beta
  • Stars: 1 (Class G)
    • Stellar Mass: 1.28 solar masses
    • Luminosity: 3.22
    • Age: 2.10 billion years (1.89 left on main sequence)
  • Planets: 12
    • Habitable planets: 1, the 5th planet from the sun
Graphic of the Imperial Kazleti solar system


  • Name: Rhakuz (lit. "Second Blessing")
  • Population: ≈ 4.3 billion

Orbital Characteristics

  • Mean orbital distance : ≈300 million kilometres (2.01AU)
  • Orbital period: 917.94 days (1405.21 local days)
  • Satellites: 2

Physical Characteristics

  • Classification: M
  • Mean radius: 6107.2 km
  • Surface gravity: 9.36 m/s2 (0.95G)
  • Sidereal rotation period: 15.68 hours
  • Axial tilt: 34°

Atmosphere and Surface Characteristics

  • Surface pressure:: 110 kPa at MSL (1.06 Earth atmospheres)
    • Composition by volume: Nitrogen 59.8%, Oxygen 40.0%, Argon 0.2 %
  • Mean surface temperature: 3.2° C
  • Hydrosphere percentage: 49.9
  • Ice cover percentage: 7.5

Rhakuz was donated to the Imperial Kazleti as a "gift" for their fealty. The planet is cold and harsh, with dramatic seasonal changes. The two moons give rise to relatively bright nights, high tides and significant volcanic activity. The high oxygen content of the atmosphere makes fire a major hazard, and the Imperial Kazleti lead the way on fire retardant materials and safety systems, many of which have been incorporated into the ships of the Klingon Defence Force.