Parrises Squares

Parrises Squares is a popular, albeit dangerous game played throughout the Federation.

The Court

Resembling a large chessboard, a Parrises Squares court is divided into grid that is eight squares wide by eight squares long. The court measures a little over 16 metres wide. Each square on the court can be raised to one of four different heights, ranging from ground level to just over 1.5 metres above ground level. Each height corresponds to a different colour group as follows:-

  • Green: Ground level
  • Blue: 0.52m above ground level
  • Yellow: 1.04m above ground level
  • Red: 1.56m above ground level

The arrangement of the squares can be randomized or predetermined, depending on the skill level of the competitors and the nature of the game (friendly or competitive). Given the uneven nature of a court, along with the edges and corners of the platforms, the court itself lends to the inherent danger that adds to the thrill of each game.

Typically, a beginner court will consist of only two levels, blue and green, which are grouped into larger, flat areas. This is sufficient to assist learners in remembering that they will have to traverse different heights, but allows for a greater focus on ball control and tactical learning.


Object of the Game: When the playing time of 60 minutes has elapsed, the team that has scored the most goals is declared the winner.

Each team consists of four players, the standard positions for each of which are discussed in the section below. One goal stands in the centre of each end of the court, four metres wide by two metres tall. The goal mouth is elevated so that its lower edge is level with the yellow tier of squares on the court, meaning that some configurations make it much easier to score from further away from the goal than up close, and vice versa. The inner edges of the rectangular goal frame are lined with sensors that instantly update a holographic scoreboard when the ball passes through, as well as recording other information such as speed and angle of entry, which are added to professional players' performance records.

The playing time is divided into four quarters of fifteen minutes each with a rest period of five minutes between each one.

Physical contact of any kind is permitted, except for holding, hair pulling, or strikes of any kind to the genitals.

Player Positions

The four players on a Parrises Squares team are not required to register formally in any particular position. However, the current preferred tactical dynamic usually sees two members of the team playing as attackers, and two as defenders. Defensive roles can including zonal marking, which involves guarding set squares near to the goal in order to block ideal angles from which to take shots, or man-marking, which requires a defender to closely mirror the actions of a corresponding attacking player on the opposite team, in order to limit their impact on the game. Attackers are charged with making creative moves that confuse the opposing defense, and finding angles from which they can shoot for goal unopposed.

Tournament play has recently begun to favour a more defensive style that runs three defenders and one attacker, although it has not been unheard of for players to switch roles at various different moments during an hour-long game.


All participants in an official game of Parrises Squares are required to wear a padded suit in their team colours and carry an ion mallet. Ion mallets include a head that consists of a postively charged scoop coupled to a negatively charged ram. The handle measures approximately 1.5m. As a Parrises Squares ball is negatively charged before a game begins, it can be carried in the hoop while running in a similar fashion to the Human game LaCrosse. If struck with the ram, the two negatively charged components repel, lending extra power to the strike.


Parrises Squares originated on Corellia Prime. The Parrises Squares professional finals are held there annually. The Federation also hosts tournaments on various worlds and starbases throughout its territory.


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