Miran Desert

On Miri IV in the middle of the 2nd largest continent of Oceania lies the Miran Desert. This region is roughly oval at approximately 480 km by 1,350 km. Here is where the 20,000 Cath'henians colonists have settled. They are scattered accross the desert in small tribal groups.

While this region may have a lot of things in common with the deserts of their native world of Cart'hen III it is also markedly different. For one thing their are a lot of oasis here in the Mirian Desert. A supriseing number in fact with a dozen of them being large enought to support a large group on a full time basis.

These large oasis now have permanent settlements rangeing in size between 400 to 700 people all from the same tribe. They are able to grow a wide range of crops as well as support the livestock they have brought with them from their native planet.

The rest of the population still live a nomadic life, traveling from waterhole to waterhole. Moveing their herds from one area to another.

The Cath'henians have also started to domesticate a few of the native animals. The rest they hunt to supplement their food supplies.


Their is no centralized government. Each tribe and there are over 30 tribes are led by a chief. These chiefs can only speak for their tribe. Since food is not as big a problem here as it was back on their native world they have have no need to fight over land. They tend to avoid each other when they can but will trade when they need to.