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Mathen is the Mathenite homeworld located in the Alpha Quadrant.


  • Diameter: 12,749 km (7,968 miles)
  • Gravity: 1.02 standard gravity with a density of 5.8
  • Axial Tilt: 0.87%, no appreciable tilt and no seasons
  • Orbital Period: 371 days
  • Rotational Period: 26 hours
  • Classification: M
  • Surface Water: 68%
  • Atmosphere: 1.07 is a standard pressure with 75% nitrogen, 24% oxygen, 1% trace chemicals
  • Climate: Cool and stable, with the hottest temperatures being no higher than the Mediterranean on Earth.
  • Terrain:
  • Population: 3.2 Billion
Mathenite Homeworld-Map.jpg

Galactic Atlas