
Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code MALC
Federation Status Neutral
Planet of Origin Malcor III
Encountered TNG: "First Contact" [not the film!]
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level H
List of Named Malcorians

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"We are blessed, unified and protected."
a Malcorians proverb.
The Malcorians are a species of isolationists with a draconian government dedicated to keeping the existence of alien species a secret from the majority of their people.

Home System

  • Quadrant: Beta
  • Location: Fursia Sector (coordinates B23-0003-1300)
  • Proper Name: Malcor system
  • Star: It orbits a class A (White) star
  • Distance from Star: its orbit is approximately 39 million km
  • Companions: It is the 3rd of 9 planets in the system
  • Moons: it has one moon

Home World

  • Proper Name: Malcor III
  • Diameter: 20,513 km (12,746 miles)
  • Gravity: 1.05 standard gravity with a density of 3.6
  • Axial Tilt: 13.1%, with normal seasonal changes
  • Orbital Period: 427 days
  • Rotational Period: 29 hours
  • Classification: M
  • Surface Water: 70%
  • Atmosphere: 1.08% is a standard pressure with 72% nitrogen, 26% oxygen, 2% trace chemicals
  • Climate: Mainly a temperate planet with a large arctic poles region.
  • Terrain: It has vast rolling plains with numerous rocky hill regions and a few massive mountain ranges.
  • Population: Just over 10 billion


From their earliest written records there has been very few periods in their history when war, rebellion and periods of heightened aggression has not existed between different regions and different groups of people on their world. Even as they advanced both technologically and as a species these conflicts continued to erupt again and again all over the planet.

Eventually they evolved politically to the point where different regions were considered to be independent nation-states. Wars continued to be fought between these groups and sometimes one nation-state would conquer another. Often the rulers of the aggressive nation-state would use the greeting "we are your friends" either prior to negotiations, renewed hostility or before a surprise invasion.

It took close to 850 years but finally they were able to establish a single unified world government. One that they worked hard at, to ensure the peaceful existence of its people, even if it had to use firm, even draconian methods to do so.

Throughout the early 2360s, the Malcorians were in the process of developing warp drive technology and the United Federation of Planets was secretly monitoring their progress. The Federation had undercover cultural observers stationed all over Malcor.

In 2367, the Malcorians were about to initiate their warp program, by launching their first warp-capable spacecraft. The crew of the USS Enterprise-D was undergoing the final preparations for establishing First Contact. William Riker was surgically altered to appear as a Malcorian for such a mission, but was injured and his true species was revealed.

As a result Riker was tortured by a Malcorian opposed to first contact. This led to increased levels of xenophobia on behalf of the conservative minded Chancellor Avel Durken who decided that his people were not yet ready to learn of the existence of other species. The Malcorian space program was consequently delayed while the government focused on more domestic issues.

By 2382 when the new Chancellor took office the space program was reactivated. However the knowledge that there were other species existing on other worlds was still kept hush, hush and only a very few were ever allowed to know the truth. When they launched their prototype warp vessel it contained three members of their Internal Security force as well as three engineers and two scientists who had been handpicked and briefed about the possibility of alien contact.

The first thing they did with their prototype vessel was to transport and position 32 warning beacons around the outside of their system. These were designed to operate on solar energy and to constantly send warning signals out, away from the inside of their system and away from their homeworld. These messages warn any and all vessels away from their system.

Since then they have built a few more ships and established contact with a few species outside of their system. They seem to be interested in trade for advanced military technology.


Their planet had a unified government led by an elected Chancellor. The Chancellor's second in charge was a Vice-Chancellor, who was often assigned tasks the Chancellor is too busy to attend to. The chancellor during the late 2360s was Avel Durken.

Ministry of Internal Security

Next in line of government was a series of ministers assigned to different divisions of government. A Minister for Internal Security was assigned with all planetary security measures, including those presented by external forces. The Minister of Internal Security during the late 2360s was Minister Krola.

Ministry of Science

The Minister of Science was assigned to all scientific pursuits, which in the 2360s mainly focused on the development of warp travel and new spacecraft and pursuits. The Minister of Science in the 2360s was the esteemed astronomer Mirasta Yale. All ministers were assigned the task of reporting to the Chancellor every morning on their established fields.

Malcorian Space Bureau

The bureau was in charge of that planet's warp drive program, and was led by Mirasta Yale. In 2367, the bureau was preparing to launch their first warp-capable starship. They finally launched a modified warp vessel in 2382.


Humanoid race, physically distinguished by mitten-like hands and feet -- suction cups at the palm and "fingertips" replacing digits -- and a cranial lobe with an upper set of olfactory nasal openings.

Like humans they come in a variety of skin tones, from dark to fair. Some Malcorians, like Krola, would grow and wear facial hair. They would also, like Krola and Lanel, compensate for impaired vision by wearing glasses.


As with most intelligent humanoid species they have a very complex system with specialized organs, and unique hormones, chemicals and enzymes. They are typical humanoids with most of the physical, mental and biological medical problems that seem to plague most humanoids.

Malcorians have a total of 31 costal struts (ribs), 16 on one side, 15 on the other and their enlarged foreheads were called cranial lobes. Their cardiac organ was located in the lower chest, and their pulse can be checked on the wrist. Their digestive tract was located in the upper chest. They do not have individual digits on their hands and feet like most humanoid species, instead their digits were webbed together similar to a mitten.


The Malcorians immediately assumed both a curious stance and an aggressive stance upon discovering that outsiders, aliens have infiltrated their world. In many ways this is similar to how other species would have reacted at this stage in their development.

Their ideology is based on an almost medieval ethnocentrism. They assume their own superiority and believe in their aloneness in the centre of their universe. While these beliefs have been forced to undergo some radical rethinking, the majority of their species is still oblivious to the existence of alien species.

From a medical standpoint they seem to have many of the same kinds of mental health issues as other developed, intelligent species. However based on the data collected by undercover Federation observers not a lot of effort is wasted on finding cures or treating these individuals. Most are simply segregated and locked up in large facilities. Some of which seem to be more dedicated to doing medical experimentation on them than curing them.


They are a people who believe that they are the highest form of life and that their planet is at the center of the universe. These are the cornerstones of their belief in Malcor the Creator, a being that created their world, their species and the universe.


They have a wide range of stories, legends and myths involving Malcor the Creator. These include a number of encounter tales which have Malcor appearing in a beam of light. He is described as 10 feet tall, with a regal and imposing bearing.


They have a very strict society with lots of government controls and influence. The Ministry of Internal Security has a large police force and a secret police force as well as teams dedicated to watching and observing the population.

Their cities are dull, built for efficiency, not looks and well laid out for crowd control. In fact their communities are divided into districts, each with its own infrastructure, police force, amenities, entertainment facilities and monitoring unit.


While they all enjoy music, and various forms of artistic expression, all of it has to be approved by the government.


Since the unification of their world under one government many of the customs enjoyed and practiced in various regions have been abandoned due to the government purging their culture. Those customs that have survived are the ones sanctioned as acceptable by the government and they have been promoted universally planet wide to the entire population.


While they have reached a level of technological achievement that has allowed them to construct successful warp drives, they are still far behind the level of most of the intelligent species in their region of space.

Prototype warp vessel

The prototype for the first Malcorian warp driven starship was scheduled for launch in the late 2367. This launch was cancelled and the program was temporarily mothballed. Its first planned destination was to be the nearby Garth system.

When it was finally launched in 2382 it was an improved design with a number of upgrades that were developed over the years. They had also designed a fairly sophisticated warning beacon satellite system to operate on solar energy and constantly beam warning signals out and away from their system.


They have not established any true form of economic interaction with any other species, however they do send out occasional vessels with the expressed purpose of trading for advanced military technology.


While they have always had a military it has changed greatly since they unified their government. More changes followed their encounter with aliens. Now the Ministry of Internal Security controls their military forces as well as a massive secret police presence. The number of internal security officers has been more than doubled and almost all of them are recruited from the military.

They now have a few warships which would be considered destroyer class vessels. However their ships offensive and defensive capabilities which now incorporate a number of advanced technologies that they have managed to trade for are still fairly primitive in comparison to most other species.

Federation Intelligence Files

Malcor III is the third planet of the Malcor star system and home to the humanoid Malcorian civilization. In 2367, the Malcorians were close to developing warp drive when the Federation established first contact prematurely.

Despite encouragement from an enlightened scientist, the Malcorian chancellor in 2367 decided to wait for more education before further contact with the Federation, asking not to be visited again.

A form of liquid measurement was the octare.

Malcorian physicians, much like Earth physicians, took a form of binding oath to protect

In Q's anti-time future timeline that Jean-Luc Picard experienced, a Malcorian female was serving in Starfleet in the2390s and was a transporter operator aboard the USS Pasteur.


Both Memory Alpha and Memory Beta were used as references as well as the following TV episode, TNG: First Contact and TNG: Tapestry.

Also used was the following written source, TNG novelization: All Good Things.

Content from this article may have
come partially, or entirely from
Memory Alpha

This profile was revised by the Species Development Committee.
REV 239402.02
Please add any new information discovered during the course of a mission or shore leave.