Klingon awards

Awards can be given by the Commanding Officer of the Vessel as listed. Some require approval from the High Council where indicated. Specific Houses have their own awards which they alone can bestow upon those they feel deserving.

Klingon Empire Awards

Sword of Kahless


Awarded for extraordinary service to the Empire. Usually held as a Hero and in high regards with the Klingon High Council.

Awarded By Commanding Officer with approval from the High Council.

Shroud of Kahless


Awarded for service of the Empire, in the 'colonization' of worthy worlds. It is awarded in bringing new worlds under the protective shroud of the Empire.

Awarded By Commanding Officer with approval from the High Council.

Star of Kahless


The Star of Kahless is awarded by the Klingon Chancellor. This Klingon becomes a Member of the Order of Kahless and is tasked with upholding the Kahless' lessons and to right all acts of dishonour. This is one of the most prestigious Groups of the Empire.

Awarded by Commanding Officer with approval from the High Council.

Order of the Bat'leth


The Order of the Bat'leth is an exclusive Klingon group, awarded to warriors who have distinguished themselves in battle. It is considered the highest honor a Klingon can receive. Every year, the chancellor inducts new members into the Order in a ceremony at the Hall of Warriors in the headquarters of the Klingon Defense Forces. Drunken celebrations are held for a full day before the induction itself, which is part of the ceremony as an endurance test.

Awarded by Commanding Officer with approval from the High Council.

Honour of the Black Fleet


This Medal is awarded the the Commander of a ship that comes out victorious in a losing battle. Most of these are awarded to ships in missions that are considered suicide missions. It is also common for recipients of this award to have done the mission in someone's name in order to insure them a place in Sto-Vo-Kor.

Awarded by Commanding Officer with approval from the High Council.

Honour of the Dahar


Klingon warrior who has reached the highest level attainable in the practice of Mok'bara, The Klingon form of martial arts, and has attained legendary status among his peers. The deciding factor is one of your crewmates must write a song in honor of your charater's deeds and present it to the CO to be posted on the site.

Awarded by Commanding Officer.

Shroud of Morath


Awarded to those who fall from the path of honour only to return in a glorious fashion, proving his honour and courage in a way that would serve as an example to other warriors of the Empire.

Awarded by Commanding Officer with approval from the High Council.

Outstanding Service Award


Awarded for being an example of what the Empire stands for. Inspire others into deeds of valor and courage. protect the Empire beyond simply duty.

Awarded by the Commanding officer or, in special cases, the High Council.

Medal of Heroism


Awarded for single handedly saving the lives of his crew or Klingon civilians at the peril of his own life.

Awarded by the Commanding officer.

Purple Heart


Awarded to those that that have been injured in the line of duty. The injuries don't have to be life-threatening, they just have to be sufficient enough for the CO to feel it is necessary to award the player. With Klingons it generally is life threatening, to where only the Brak'lul can determine the survival.

Awarded by ship Commanding Officer

Crimson Bat'leth


Awarded for the a first kill of an enemy using a Bat'leth.

Awarded By the Commanding Officer.

Life Time Service Award


Awarded for each year of service on a KDF vessel.

Awarded by the Commanding Officer.

Honor in Battle Award


Awarded to one who defeats an most treacherous Enemy while following the precepts of Honor. This involves coming up with a unexpected plan the finishes the Mission.

Awarded by the Commanding Officer.

Exemplary Performance


For exemplary performance and conduct of the duration of one standard mission.

Awarded by the ship Commanding Officer

Full Honours



House of Kravzo'ch Awards

Order of Jat'tha


For exceptional service to House Kravzo'ch.

Awarded by the head of the House.

Order of Kra'th


For valuable service to House Kravzo'ch.

Awarded by the head of the House.

Kravzo'ch Medal Of Valour


For victory in battle alongside of or in the name of the House of Kravzo'ch.

Awarded by the head of the House.

Distinction in Battle


For exceptional heroism in battle alongside of or in the name of the House of Kravzo'ch.


HoD Bartok. (2010). Spacecraft of the Universe Wiki. Retrieved June 24, 2021 from https://fleetyard.fandom.com/wiki/Klingon_Awards.
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