- Full Name: Tobias Miguel Rodriguez
- Nickname(s): Kev, Wonder Twin 1 (Childhood+)
- Current Rank: Civilian
- Profession: Xeno-Biologist
- Race: 1/4Caitian, 3/4Terran
- Date of Birth: 236301.25
- Place of Birth: Rio de Janeiro
- Age:28
- Gender: Male
- Telepathic status: Only with his twin Tobias
- Oriention:Bisexual
- Height: 5' 9"
- Weight: 170
- Hair Color: Brown, short
- Eye Color: Electric Blue (Cat-like)
- Distinguishing Features: Extended canine teeth, slightly pointed, retractable clawish finger nails (3 inches at full length), but kept short to look like normal nails.
- Parents
- Father: Miguel Rodriguez (Terran)
- Mother: Isabella Rodriguez (Caitian/Terrain)
- Siblings: Leanna Rodriguez (Sister)
- 232001.01: Event.
- 232001.02: Event, etc.