
DPA (Dickens prosthetic arm)

Following an infiltration mission on the Orion syndicate, Marcus Dickens became trapped by some rubble that fell over him, crushing his left fore arm. The officers that were infiltrated with him tried to liberate him without success and seeing that they could be killed Marcus ordered them to leave him. Refusing to do so, Marcus took the decision that they cut his forearm in order for them to be able to escape. After being rescued, the engineern Guinevere Gardener came up with a prosthetic for him.

 The arm presented looks like a real arm except for the outline of the small panel on the inside of the forearm that opens with the press of the small button that is located next to the panel. The button is the same color as the arm so it's barely noticeable, however once pressed it reveals the following: a small set of color coded button: the red one activates an emergency sos beacon that can last for up to two days, the blue button activates a transporter linked to the Atlantis, the yellow button activates a personal radiation sensor with a range of a half mile (the button blinks if radiation is present), the orange button activates up to a double dose hypo of Melenex (this turns the index finger into a hypo), and the green button activates and deactivates a glow in the dark wrist watch that displays the stardate and time on the outside of the wrist.