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Kara is a Mathenite colony planet located in the Alpha Quadrant.


  • Date Founded: 2105
  • Population: 89 Million (Mathenite), 20 Million (Kara Natives)
  • Capital: Gerann
  • % of Surface Under Mathenite Control: 100%
  • Territories: Kelaar River Region, Western Islands, Great Gerann

The colony of Kara is the financial center of Mathenite space, free of the squabbling among the nations of the homeworld. When the Mathenites found this planet, they thought it was uninhabited, but later found it inhabited by a primitive species of hunter-gatherers, though strangely mystical and culturally articulate. At the time, the Kara natives were being ravaged by a disease that was slowly wiping out their people. Some of the tribes saw the Mathenite arrival as the cause of the disease, others saw the Mathenites as saviors sent from the Heavens. The former tribes resisted the Mathenite presence and decided to fight two enemies at once, the plague and the Mathenite army that was light years more advanced. Over a period of a decade, the opposing tribes died out, and just after the war had virtually ended, the Mathenites came up with a cure for the disease. The Mathenites offered it to the tribes that saw them as divine heralds without condition, but exacted an oath of fealty from the remaining warring tribes. Those that accepted were given a place in the new Mathenite colonial structure, the others died out.

Today, the Mathenites and the natives of Kara work together at every level of colonial society and are celebrated as the most integrated of the species under Mathenite 'protection'. They have a hand in the impressive and lucrative Kara banking institutions, and many have risen to vaulted ranks in the Mathenite colonial administration. Kara remains to this day basked in the glory, wealth and ostentatiousness of 'New Money', and is often the site of the 'working' headquarters of many of the merchant-guilds that run the mercantile system of Mathenite.

Galactic Atlas