Juris Kov Por'kus
PNPC - Cmdr. Tal Tel-ar |
Petty Officer 2nd class, Por'kus |
Character Information
- Full Name: Juris Kov Por'kus
- Race: Tellarite
- DoB: 236308.30
- Age: 31
- Birthplace: Tellar Prime
- Gender: Male
- Telepathic status: N/A
- Height: 5'6"
- Weight: 245 lbs
- Hair: reddish brown shoulder length hair
- Beard: full, long reddish brown beard
- Eyes: dark brown
- Skin Tone: caucasian
- Face: rounded with a lot of wrinkles
- Build: stocky, verging on overweight
- Identifying Marks: N/A
- Clothing (Off-Duty): Prefers casual Tellarite outfits.
- Voice: deep, gruff, verging on harsh
- Handedness: right
- Tattoos: none
Juris Kov Por'kus is a grumpy, pudgy, slob who likes to eat and drink. He is a good worker and an excellent engineer but due to his attitude he has been passed over for promotion a few times.
- Father: Krilma Dri Por'kus- Sanitation Engineer
- Mother: Linius Pia Por'kus - Dishwasher is a sleasy diner.
- Siblings: 8 others, 4 brothers and 4 sisters. He is the middle child.
Personal Friends and Relationships
- Marital Status: Single
- Friends: ??
Minor Details and Mannerisms
- Favorite Drink: Tellarite Ale
- Favorite Food: Any and all foods, especially the spicy kind
- Music Tastes: Tellarite tavern music
- Religious Beliefs: None
Languages Spoken
- Federation standard (Fluent)
- Tellarite (Fluent)
Born in S'Wine, on Tellar Prime, he grew up in a large family on the poor side of town. This community was on the opposite side of the planet from the capitol and in a more industrial area with mines and factories.
Medical History
- Pre-Starfleet Medical Records - He had the regular child hood ailments expected of a member of his species prior to his admittance to the Academy.
- Starfleet Medical Records - He has been fairly healthy so far.
- Physiological Profile - He tested well, with no phobias or other mental issues. He also deals well with stress but has a pathological need to antagonize everyone around him.
Professional History
- Academy Record - He barely passed but this was not due to his knowledge or level of ability but more so as a result of his natural aversion to authority and high levels of antagonism towards almost everybody.
- Qualifications and Specialties - Fully qualified in a wide range of advanced engineering fields.
- Assignments
- Cadet cruise was on the USS Septic Tank
- Graduated and posted to the USS Eagle
- Transfered to the USS Apollo