Jacob (Jake) Andrew Milford

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Jacob (Jake) Andrew Milford grew up with Becky because their fathers knew each other from aboard their ship. When they were young, he and Becky would play house with their other friends. Becky would play the mother and Jake would play the father. They began dating at age 15 just after her first high school party experience. He told her then that he'd had a crush on her since they were 12 years old. Three months into their senior year in high school after her paternal grandmother had passed away, he proposed. She accepted excitedly. However, he became upset with her when she didn't let him seduce her. Six months later, he broke off their engagement in his graduation speech. She was devastated. Later that day, she found him in the park with another woman. Her friends took her on a ski weekend to get her over him, but she ended up in an accident and nearly died of hypothermia.

"It was actually a bit more serious than that. It was after Jake broke off our engagement in his graduation speech. I'd found him two hours later in the park with some bimbo.Anyway, my friends took me on a ski weekend to get my mind off of it. But I still thought about it skiing down a dangerous slope and I couldn't stop in time. I skied over a cliff, but lucky for me, there was a ledge there. I was there for a number of hours and by the time they got to me, I was suffering from hypothermia. They didn't think I'd make it through the night."---Rebecca on her ski accident

"What you don't know is that he's been borrowing money from me for years. He's always tricked or blackmailed me into it. I nearly lost my internship at the Vulcan Science Academy because he hid some stolen Vulcan artifacts in my quarters to save his hide. ::sighs:: He has a lot more over my head than an out-of-bounds relationship."---Rebecca on her current relationship with Jake

"Who knows what Jake's capable of? If he can blackmail me, surely he isn't afraid to force himself on me or other such things. He tried...but I always pushed him away. He got angry when I didn't let him go past second base."---Rebecca on Jake