Irez Zator

Dr. Irez Zator

  • Title: Master Arbiter
  • DOB: 232403.13
  • Birthplace: Ullia Prime
  • Race/Species: Ullian
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 46
  • Height: 6' 4"

Appearance: Dark skinned with brilliant green eyes and a light facial hair, Irez Zator is tall, muscular and bald. He dresses in green and grey Ullian finery under a black duster cloak. His weapon of choice is his mind however he carries three small ceramic daggers concealed and strategically distributed on his person should he ever have to defend himself.

Background: Irez Zator is a Master Arbiter - responsible for the judicial review, arbitration and sentencing of cases dealing with criminal usage of telepathy on his homeworld, Ullia, where there are 39 other Ullian Arbiters. Zator is also a member of the Ullian Proctoring Board that conducts evaluations of telepathic and empathic abilities. His experience with the UPB makes him in demand as a proctor by offworld agencies (notably Betazed) conducting similar evaluations on telepathy. Arbiter Zator speaks 12 languages fluently and has a residence and office on Starbase 440 for dealings with the Federation. An experienced counselor, Arbiter Zator spends his diminishing free time in sessions and evaluations. He has a flair about him and temper to match. He has personally overseen 786 cases of telepathic crime and has ruled over 931 cases, sending 1601 Ullian convicted criminals to their well-deserved deaths. Arbiter Zator is a non-touch telepath, typical of almost all Ullians.

Ullian Description: A humanoid race of telepaths characterized by skin involutions in the temporal region of the cranium, lightly upswept eyebrows and a rough-textured membrane that covers the top of the ear and melds flush to the head. Barbaric until a revolution in the late 21st century. The Ullians are renowned historians and are conducting a grand project combining their historical research with their telepathic skills. They are creating an archive of the memories of various planets. By 2368 Ullian historians had collected the memories of 11 worlds. Their memory reading abilities can be used to commit a form of telepathic rape, although rare, it is dangerous and severely punished. It is an oddity that while the Ullians can read the minds of most humanoids, telepaths of other races cannot read Ullians