- it's orbit is approximately 128 million km from it's star
- a terrestrial planet with a diameter of 11,608.6 km (7,255 miles).
- a density of 4.7 and a gravity of 0.78 G's
- a thin atmosphere with a pressure of about 0.87 earth normal, with nitrogen 72%, oxygen 23% and other gas 3%
- a minor axial tilt of 17%
- temperatures are on average 32C during the day and dropping to 23C at night
- season changes can result in temerature changes of between +20 to -20
- lots of lakes (37%) and rivers (22%) for a total surface coverage of 59%
- with a year of 293 days, each day 27 hours long
- unknown at this time, as the only known survey was conducted by the Romulans
- it has 1 medium moon
- Gorum IIa: is 2,243 km (1,402 miles) in diameter, with a density of 3.1 and a gravity of 0.10 G's. It orbits the planets surface at a height of 29,021 km. (18,138 miles)
This is a small Romulan agricultural colony with a population of approximately 4 million