Dial/Personal Glossary



Armbag - http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Armbag

Ajuilaya - The idea behind Ajuilaya is actually quite simple. All people involved were given a pice of Eilibioa and asked to take place and draw or paint to the sound of music. As a result of Terranisation Bolians nowadays use canvases and easels. The basic idea has always been just to draw what comes to someone's mind when he listens to music. It was practiced alone or by a few but there also occasions very close to balls where people would just listen to music and draw or paint. It became a trend very soon to draw landscapes, persons or scenes when listening to longer songs while it was traditional to paint abstractly when listening to shorter songs. But there have always been people not accepting these rules setting new trends. There is another element of Ajuilaya practised by those who are used to this activity. They would look out what other people paint. They would pay attention and may or may not include it. This can include to copy some details of someone's painting or simply walking up to him and setting up one's easel next to another person's. If this is performed, it is considered almost like requesting someone to dance among Humans.

Asaj - question tag (used when talking to superiors)


Blinking - Since Bolians naturally don't blink, opening and closing eyes is a indication for a high level of stress (although the very opposite can happen to: Eyes staying widely open). It appears oftenly in combination with shaking one's head and breathing fast. In this case it would indicate that the Bolian is 'crying'. Physical and mental pain both can be cause to this reaction which is hard to control.

Bloating - Bolians can bloat their neck (especially the "soft" part where the carotid artery and the throat are; not the part above the neck where the spine is). When a Bolian bloats its neck/throat, it basically looks like a frog's vocal sac but smaller. It is also seperated by the ridge which is situated vertically upon a Bolian's body.

Bluesh - Almost like blushing, Bolians "bluesh", they blush but instead of their faces becoming red they get blue (which is the color of their blood). This is used by me to describe Dial. She or any other char should not use this word. Its most important use is to remind readers that Bolians get blue, not red.

Bolian Trading Fleet (BTF) - First things first. Bolian “Trading” Fleet is a bad translation. Aboard the slow but huge Warp 1 vessels nobody was a Bolian “merchant”. Voyages aboard were long and dangerous because of pirates, natural phenomenons other obstacles. Usually, the officers that lived to see the beginning of such a voyages didn't live long enough to witness the arrival at the destination. Bolian crewmen usually started families aboard the huge ships that provided living space, jungles, recreation areas and many other places to raise children, care for elder people, etc. But how did Starfleet end up with a translation stating that they were a “trading fleet”. Well, those ships were carrying goods. But like Bolian economy, the ships carried those things around for free. When the “colony” worlds, Bolion and Bolias, called for some goods, a ship was sent. Bolarus sometimes asked for some resources and goods, too. Of course the Bolians knew how long a voyage would take and that it would cost many resources. Therefore, they only asked when they desperately needed goods of any kind and could wait long enough. In case they could not wait for it, it made no sense to order ships to carry it. In case it was not needed to keep up the minimum of living standards, one wouldn't ask others to risk their lives and spend time on journeys separated from their loved ones forever (except for sending them messages).


Cheek-rub - The gesture roughly translated as cheek-rub is a very traditional gesture of trust and relatedness. As a romantic or erotic gesture it was initially used by Bolians that were unable to kiss non-Bolians (mostly Humans demanding that) due to their toxic salvia. When those aliens demanded an alternative gesture, many Bolians started to use the cheeck-rub. In the long run, the original meaning of the gesture was forgotten and its meaning changed amongst Bolians, too.

Closing eyes - This is a gesture oftenly considered equal to human sighing. It can be used to stress relief, sorrow or pity. But the similarity between the two gestures goes even further. Just like humans don't need to sigh, Bolians do not need to blink either. They close their eyes only to sleep.

Covering torso - Like most Humanoid species, Bolians instinctively try to cover their vitally important organs assembled at the torso when they feel threatened. It takes a lot of training to lose those instinctive behaviour.


Ducking head - Like most Humanoid species, Bolians instinctively try to duck their head when they feel threatened. Although ducking the head limits the field of view very much, it can save the head and thus the brain from injury. It takes a lot of training to lose those instinctive behaviour.


Economy system – Bolians were always a society arranged in small communities. People planted grain and other useful plants, others became seekers. Instead of trading their goods, they decided to create a common stockpile. Everyone was allowed to take from it what he/she needed and everyone would give what he/she didn't need. When Bolarus started to globalize, the concept of an actual stockpile was soon lost. Virtual stockpiles remained, though. From now on, people had shorter “stores” where they would keep the goods. Still anyone could give and take what was needed. From now on it was simply not hoarded anymore.

Education system – Bolians traditionally don't use any sort of classes, grades or schools. People who want to teach their sons, their neighbours or anybody else, would simply do so at home. Since Bolians never invented “private spheres” in the Human sense or doors people were able to come and go as they liked. Some would travel very far to listen to lectures held by old craftsmen. Others would decide for a more practical way of education and work together with craftsmen, farmers or seekers. This way, Bolians neither centralized education nor did they ever standardize it. This had become a problem when some Bolians applied to join Starfleet. At Academy Starfleet bureaucrats expected school reports of any kind but didn't get any since there were no schools on Bolias. After some discussions with the Bolian peoples from Bolarus, Bolias and Bolion, Starfleet made a decision. Since Bolians refused to introduce grades to their “education system” (Federation claimed that such a thing didn't exist in Bolian societies) they had to pass an entrance examination.

Eilibioa - Eilibioa is close to Human paper.


Fast breathing - Increased frequency of breath might show exhaustion. But in company of blinking eyes and shaking one's head, this resembles the Bolian version of 'crying'. It can be caused by mental or physical pain and is hard to control.


Halajao - A Halajao is a Bolian sleeping accomodation. Basically it's a horizontal cylinder resting on six legs. It's connected to a replicator unit to provide fresh water and recylcle the moldy water. The two other components are a water tank and a pump to keep all the water and make it rotate.


Jas - OK (answer to a question tag of a superior)

Jasa - OK (answer to a question tag of an inferior)

Jasas - OK (answer to a question tag of friends or colleagues)


Kissing - Kissing has originally never been a Bolian gesture but was slowly becoming a part of their body language when Terranisation took place (after First Contact and establishing a membership in the Federation). However, Bolians can only kiss each other. Kissing someone not belonging to their species might kill the other one due to the toxic salvia of Bolians. A species with mucous membranes as robust as Bolian ones might be able to kiss a Bolian, though. However, they would need to make sure before that their spittles don't react with each other.


Loosening/Stiffening the neck - Bolians can also simply make their throat/neck appear stiff, loose or waving. They have very much control of their skin at this area, far more control than they have of their facial expressions. Basically you can say: The stiffer the neck, the less open/ happy/ good/ etc. is the Bolian's mood. The looser, the better/ more comfortable/ accepted/ welcome/ etc. the Bolian feels.


Moy - Moy ("oy" pronounced like "oi" in the English word "oil") can basically mean anything and nothing. Its mostly used without any addition. In that case it can be regarded as something like the English "well", the French "alors" or the German "also".

Moy atalomo - The word 'atalomo' is turning the word 'moy' a positive reply.

Moy naono - Moy naono is an expression of amazement, astonishment, surprise or confusion. In most cases, it can be considered like "wow".

Moy sideov - Moy sideov is used to represent disappointment or sadness, but sometimes it isn't meant literally (almost ically).

Moy, moy, moy (repetitive use): Just like “moy” generally can mean anything, this expression can be used to mark very much joy, surprise but also great sadness and many other feelings. It depends totally on the context. It can also be used


Nodding - Bolians nod to greet other people. 5 times is very impolite, 4 or 6 times is okay when greeting foreigners, 3 or 7 are used to greet superiors or authorities (but also to show respect), 2 or 8 is a greeting for friends and colleagues as well as subordinates, 1 or 9 times is reserved for close friends. As you can imagine, the long-lasting greetings are used rarely; mostly at very, very formal occasions. Beloved ones like husband or wife or life-long friends are not greeted with a nodding but by some kind of body contact (some Bolian subcultures have adopted shaking hands or hugging each other from humans as their greetings; there are also other native Bolian greetings).


One-day-colour - So-called one-day-colour is basically a slimy gel that can be put at walls or ceilings. It's a material found on the beaches of Bolias and Bolion. Traditional one-day-colour provides a range of blue, turquoise and green tones. But artificial, new gels can also appear to be showing other colours. It gives the room a natural, cave-like looks because the walls aren't smooth any more. The different, shining colours are also a feature causing its popularity even among Non-Bolians although it's still more of an insider's tip. After one day the gel becomes dry and by slightly touching it, it will fall off from a wall or ceiling.


Painting - Painting was never considered a componment of art on Bolian worlds. Instead it was a main component of a party activity called Ajuilaya. Using brushes to get colour on Eilibioa (a Bolian version of paper) was considered as fun only until the Bolian were influenced by the Federation society. From the beginning of Terranisation on it became a discipline of Bolian arts, too. However, it still isn't considered art by all Bolian artists.


Rubbing someone's cheek - The gesture roughly translated as cheek-rub is a very traditional gesture of trust and relatedness. As a romantic or erotic gesture it was initially used by Bolians that were unable to kiss non-Bolians (mostly Humans demanding that) due to their toxic salvia. When those aliens demanded an alternative gesture, many Bolians started to use the cheeck-rub. In the long run, the original meaning of the gesture was forgotten and its meaning changed amongst Bolians, too.


Saj - question tag (used when talking to inferiors)

Sasaj - question tag (used among friends, colleagues)

Seekers – Seekers were doing a job established when Bolians left the sea and settled on land masses. Like Human hunters they looked for meat. But instead of hunting it, they originally searched for carrion. Later they were also hunting it to wait for it to rot at home. In the latest step of the evolution of this job, seekers started holding animals to kill them and wait for them to rot.

Shaking head - General expression of confusion. It resembles the Human gesture of shrugging one's shoulders. It is used oftenly in combination with the Bolian word Moy in a tone that illustrates confusion (Humans and other peoples might not notice the tone that is exclusively for confusion because it is very close to the speaker's normal voice.). In combination with fast breathing and blinking eyes, this gesture would indicate that the Bolian is 'crying'. Physical and mental pain both can be cause to this reaction which is hard to control.

Smiling - 'Smiling' is an expression of seriousness. It looks very similar to the human expression but is used seldomly by Bolians. Bolians in general are rather looking at someones neck/throat than his face to look for expressions.

Stiffening/Loosening - Bolians can also simply make their throat/neck appear stiff, loose or waving. They have very much control of their skin at this area, far more control than they have of their facial expressions. Basically you can say: The stiffer the neck, the less open/ happy/ good/ etc. is the Bolian's mood. The looser, the better/ more comfortable/ accepted/ welcome/ etc. the Bolian feels.


Tipping at someone's shoulder - Since Bolians from Bolias are very reluctant towards body contact, it is a very special gesture to tip a Bolian's shoulder. A Bolian would touch with his/her right hand (or some fingers of the hand, depending on the place of birth) the left shoulder or reversed. If done correctly, it can be regarded as a gesture of great gratitude. If done wrongly, it can be considered very rude. A social code defining if this gesture is used only amongst friends or could also be used to thank strangers was never established. Therefore this gesture causes misunderstandings from time to time. Another problem with this gesture is that it has stayed unclear how to respond. In some communities on Bolias and elswhere people just wave their neck to "accept" this gesture, in others they return the gesture (in some regions Bolians would tip the shoulder they were were tipped at; at others the reversed one).


Vibrating - If Bloating is often said to be a Bolian laughing, the waving of the neck's skin and vibrating are often interpreted as grinning. There are at least as many varieties of waving/vibrating the neck as there are smiles. Sometimes the meaning varies a bit like human smiles vary in its meaning (which does not mean, that the variety of meanings is the same).


Waving - If Bloating is often said to be a Bolian laughing, the waving of the neck's skin and vibrating are often interpreted as grinning. There are at least as many varieties of waving/vibrating the neck as there are smiles. Sometimes the meaning varies a bit like human smiles vary in its meaning (which does not mean, that the variety of meanings is the same).

Welcoming party – During the times before they joined the Federation, Bolians used to fly around in very slow but huge Warp 1 vessels. Among the long and dangerous voyages, Bolian crews usually became families. Not in a metaphorical meaning but literally. Therefore in the Bolian Trading Fleet a trend established that new officers hosted a party for their fellow crew mates. After all, in a society where anyone could give and take what he/she wanted or needed, those parties were always well attended and people had lots of fun inventing funny party activities.)
