Chin'toka Officer's Manual/Sim Format

Chin'toka Officer's Manual


Chin'toka Officer's Manual

1: Expectations
2: Sim Format
3: General Tips
4: Types of Characters
  • B: the Posting
1: Ship 101
2: The Par'tha Expanse
3: The Crew
  • C: Operating Procedures
1: Missions
2: Shoreleave
3: Submit a Mission
  • D: Advanced Topics
1: Promotions
2: Secondary Characters
3: Department Heads
4: Mentors
5: OOC Activities

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Sim Format

The sim format used on the USS Chin'toka is the one, mostly, learned at the Academy, detailed in Tutorial 1, and continued in the other tutorials.

  • Split really long sims input multiple parts and label them as such.
  • Include JP in the subject line of any Joint Posts.
  • Include [BACKSIM] in the subject line of any sims that occur in the past and do not advance the story.
  • Include [REPOST] in the subject line of any sims that are corrections of previously posted sims.
JP Ensign Lephi & Ensign Snow - Sickbay Suitor - Part 1
[BACKSIM] Lieutenant Commander Lael Rosek: Faith and Trust
[REPOST] Lt. Knight- Ready to go?

REV SD 239709.08