Black Wolf
Marine Captain Black Wolf is commander of the Marine Special Forces company on the USS Challenger-A.
Black Wolf – Starfleet Marine Corps Special Forces Command (MARSOC) |
- Height: 6' 4"
- Weight: 211 lbs
- Hair Color: Black, worn to just below the shoulder. Often braided with an eagle feather
- Eye Color: Brown
- Skin tone: Brown
- Build: Muscular
- Face: heart shaped
- Mouth: thin lips
- Shoes: combat boots on duty, moccasins off
- Voice: Low
- Handedness: Right
- Languages: English, Onödowága
- Spouse:
- Children:
- Parents
- Father:
- Mother:
- Siblings:
- 238609.13 : Placed in command of the Ghost Wolves, assigned to USS Challenger-A