118Wiki:Guidelines for Species Categories

When creating categories for ILI species, there are some specific things to remember. We have devoted a page to this topic to clear up confusion.

Current Categories of Note

It's important to know and understand the current category structure for the Intelligent Lifeform Index, so that you can understand how to categorize specific species. The hierarchy is as follows:

  • Intelligent Lifeform Index Species: This is the main category for canon species. It includes all canon species.
    • Permitted: These species are permitted for play as a primary character. Species that have been reviewed by the Captains Council, canon or non-canon, can be included in this category.
    • Restricted: These species can only be used for play as a primary by staff members, or with permission from a staff member. Species that have been reviewed by the Captains Council, canon or non-canon, can be included in this category.
    • Forbidden: These species can not be used for play as a primary character. Species that have been reviewed by the Captains Council, canon or non-canon, can be included in this category.
    • Non-Canon Species: These species are non-canon, but have been reviewed by the Captains Council for inclusion in the StarBase 118 Canon. They may, or may not be available for play as a primary character.
      • Non-Reviewed Species: These species are non-canon, but have not been reviewed by the Captains Council for inclusion in the StarBase 118 Canon. Species appearing in this category should not appear in any other ILI categories.

Non-Canon Groups

If a group of non-canon species is being created for plot purposes, and you are posting information about these species onto the wiki, then you should organize them appropriately in categories.

Assuming that these species have not been reviewed by the Captains Council yet, you will want to make sure that all of these species have the [[Category:Non-Reviewed Species]] tag.

Next, you should create a sub-category which groups these species together. For example, see Par'tha Species. Then go to your new category for the species and include the [[Category:Non-Canon Species]] tag, to make it a subcategory of the Non-Canon Species category.

You should not, however, add each species to the Non-Canon Species category, as well. Articles should not be in a category, and that category's parent. (Meaning, if you have "Article 1" and "Category:Parent" and "Category:Child", then "Article 1" should only appear in "Category:Child", and not in both categories.)