Search results
- {{Constitution}} ...s was an [[Andorian]] who served as an Assistant Engineer aboard the [[USS Constitution-B]].266 bytes (29 words) - 15:41, 13 September 2016
- {{Constitution}} Nori was a [[Bolian]] Engineer aboard the [[USS Constitution-B]].232 bytes (24 words) - 01:48, 27 January 2015
- {{Constitution}} Calendar's current assignment is as an Assistant Engineer aboard the [[USS Constitution-B]].238 bytes (25 words) - 06:32, 11 October 2024
- {{Constitution}} Formerly one of the [[USS Constitution-B]]'s science staff, this [[Klingon]]/[[Betazoid]] hybrid was also engaged274 bytes (34 words) - 06:39, 11 October 2024
- {{Constitution}} Hensley's official role was of that of a Science Specialist aboard the [[USS Constitution-B]], but she also acted as Lt. Banks' unofficial lookout for animal welfare305 bytes (40 words) - 08:09, 21 September 2020
- {{Constitution}} Ensign Mallory was part of the Beta shift security staff aboard the [[USS Constitution-B]], and was usually found in the company of Ensign [[Lomas]].272 bytes (35 words) - 01:47, 27 January 2015
- {{Constitution}} Ensign Lomas was part of the Beta shift security staff aboard the [[USS Constitution-B]], and was usually found in the company of Ensign [[Mallory]].272 bytes (35 words) - 01:46, 27 January 2015
- {{Constitution}} ...e all your characters to earn these achievements. A list of achievements [[Constitution Player Achievements|can be found here]].2 KB (302 words) - 11:05, 17 July 2020
- {{constitution}} <center>[[File:Galaxy_refit-scale.png|link=USS Constitution-B]]<br><br><font size=3>'''USS CONSITUTION OFFICER'S MANUAL'''</font><br>NC3 KB (386 words) - 06:57, 31 December 2022
- {{Constitution}} a pair of Bynar computer specialists currently serving aboard the [[USS Constitution-B]]. Bit and Byte are somewhat unique as Byte has specialized into the 'thi690 bytes (99 words) - 01:17, 27 January 2015
- {{Constitution}} ...list of Constitution-B Non-Player Characters (NPC) and Personal Non-Player Characters (PNPC) from 2380 to 2392.759 bytes (95 words) - 15:17, 14 September 2016
- ...Kai'Ryn''' is a [[Cardassian]], and the chief medical officer of the {{USS|Constitution|B}}. He previously served aboard the {{USS|Excalibur|A}}. [[Category:Characters]]368 bytes (43 words) - 15:37, 30 June 2020
- {{Constitution}} Was assigned to the [[USS Constitution-B]]767 bytes (117 words) - 02:04, 27 January 2015
- ...1px solid #ffffff; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Constitution Sim Archive</h2> [[Category:Characters]]803 bytes (89 words) - 03:21, 4 April 2015
- Dial is a [[Bolian]] nurse aboard the [[USS Constitution-B]]. She left her home planet is the Bolian colony [[Bolias]] to help expan {{Constitution-crew}}455 bytes (61 words) - 20:47, 2 June 2015
- |SHIP = USS Constitution ...cation in her second-year Academy studies in '''HCO''' aboard the '''{{USS|Constitution}}'''.1 KB (142 words) - 16:27, 7 May 2018
- Cadet S'tu was a Helm officer onboard the {{USS|Constitution|B}} [[Category:Constitution-B P/NPCs]]665 bytes (81 words) - 02:11, 27 January 2015
- |SHIP = USS Constitution-B ...''' is currently serving as an '''Engineering Officer''' aboard the ({{USS|Constitution-B}}).2 KB (212 words) - 01:19, 9 July 2024
- ...Range]]. Upon rescue, she joined the Marine contingent on board the {{USS|Constitution|B}} [[Category:Characters]]1 KB (139 words) - 19:45, 11 September 2016
- *'''Current Vessel:''' USS Constitution-B [[Category:Constitution-B Alumni]]616 bytes (70 words) - 20:14, 21 November 2017