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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code WADI
Federation Status Neutral
Planet of Origin Gamma Quadrant
Encountered 2369, DS9: "Move Along Home"
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N
List of Named Wadis

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The Wadi are tall humanoids with four or so blue painted designs, unique to each person, on the forehead and right temple. The males have straight, long hair braided down the back while the female style is upswept or short. They applaud by clapping the back of one hand to the palm of another. The Wadi have a cultural fascination with games and gambling, including their famous Chula. A delegation of Waldi arrived at Deep Space Nine three weeks after a Vulcan ship made first contact in 2369. They value gemstones.


Wadi have relatively primitive interstellar technology, but their transporter and holographic technology is unparalleled. Their advanced holdeck/transporter technology is an integrated component of many Wadi games.