Yanell Delwyn
Ensign Yenell Delwyn, a Betazoid, is currently assigned as science officer to the USS Challenger-A.
- Height: 1.94 m
- Weight: 92 kg
- Hair: Black, midback long
- Eye Color: Black
- Spouse: None yet.
- Children: None.
- Parents
- Mother: Delwyn, Maeko † (2330 - 2375)
- Father: Delwyn, Gyan † (2332 - 2375)
- Siblings:
- Sister: Delwyn, Dasha † (2356 - 2375)
- Maternal Grandparents
- Grandmother: Delwyn, Beatrix † (2301 - 2375)
- Grandfather: Delwyn, Tal † (2303 - 2375)
- Paternal Grandparents
- Grandmother: Suda, Laveta † (2292 - 2357)
- Grandfather: Suda, Von † (2297 - 2375)
- Aunts/Uncles
- Uncle: Jayle, Raitan (2325 - present)
- Spouses of Aunts/Uncles
- Raitan: Jayle, Elisabeth (2322 - present)
- First Cousins
- Elisabeth/Raitan:
- Jayle, Robert (2345 - present)
- Jayle, Samantha (2354 - present)
- Jayle, Liam (2361 - present)
- Elisabeth/Raitan:
- Siblings of Spouses of Aunts/Uncles
- Elisabeth: Jayle, Victoria † (2324 - 2367)
- Parents of Spouses of Aunts/Uncles***
- Mother: Jayle, Novia † (2294 - 2367)
- Father: Jayle, Herschel (2299 - present)
Brief Biography
Yanell was born in Dekoa, Betazed in 2358, son of Maeko and Gyan Delwyn. Yanell had often shown a keen interest and curiosity in the world around him. He was able to skip two grades, due two his high intelligence. His sister was quite upset with this fearing he might even get ahead of her. His sister's talent on the other hand had always been to make a mountain out of a molehill, and argue all day long. Once Yanell's telepathy emerged, leaving the room wasn't even enough anymore.
Yanell was quite relieved and proud, when he was admitted to the University of Betazed in 2373, a few months before his 15th birthday. Unfortunately, the next year the Dominion managed to occupy Betazed. Despite his parent's protests, he decided to join the liberation movement shortly after. Sarcastically, he remarked that he would not forgive the Dominion for interrupting his studies. Though, naturally he was not given any dangerous work.
Idan Dral, a trill and starfleet medical officer, who was trapped on Betazed like the rest, was the leader of the local resistance cell. Since actual missions were seemingly out of the question, Idan taught Yenell his medical knowledge. Until the liberation of Betazed, Yanell serves as “acting nurse”, as Idan called it. He also acted as his personal messenger, since telepathy was one of the few means to coordinate the resistance.
During the telepathic assault on the Jem'Hadar, Yanell was unable to assist, since he did not possess the telepathic strenght of a fully mature Betazoid. The rest of his family, however, chose to join the assault. Everyone knew the consequences, when they voluntarily joined the assault. Like many Betazoid, a part of Yanell died that day. After the successful liberation Idan took Yanell to Earth, where he would live with his uncle.
He was in therapy for several years. It wasn't until the psych test during the Starfleet Academy entrance exam, when he was finally able to work through it.
Personal History
- 2358: Born in Dekoa, Betazed.
- 2373: Admitted to the University of Betazed
- 2374: Trapped on Betazed during the Dominion's Occupation
- 2375: Loses most of his family during the Liberation of Betazed
- 2375: Leaves Betazed for Earth, after is liberation, to live with his Uncle's family in Geneva, Switzerland
Professional History
- 2380: Enrolls in Starfleet Academy
- 2384: Majors in Science and Navigation
- 2385: Starfleet Command Training
- 2387: Cadet Cruise
- 2388: Assigned to the USS Challenger-A as Science Officer