Victory Handbook

Revision as of 01:54, 19 January 2011 by AlleranTan (talk | contribs) (Adding image.)
Note: This article is currently under construction.
This notice was placed here by AlleranTan, so go bug him to finish the page if nothing's happening.



Basic Simming

What to Sim

Need Help Getting into the Story?

Meeting Fleet Requirements

Common Problems


Runaway dialogue



Confidential Email Accounts

Simming a MSPNPC


The Mentor System

Mentor Coordination

Mentor Duties

Outside the Ship

Fleet OOC Opportunities

Extra Writing Avenues

A Mission Specific Player Non-Playing Character, or MSPNPC, is an NPC assigned to a specific player for the duration of a mission. They are usually antagonists, and are simmed using an anonymous e-mail address.

Anonymous Email Accounts

At the beginning of a mission, the CO takes volunteers for people to play these roles, and assigns them each to an anonymous e-mail accounts. During the mission, no one knows who is playing which MSPNPC, including the other MSPNPCS. We have found that this adds to the suspension of disbelief, removes expectations from the MSPNPCs, and makes the game more enjoyable. At the end of the mission, identities are usually revealed.

Simming an MSPNPC

MSPNPCs are simmed just like any PNPC, just be sure not to include information that would reveal your identity. These are a great chance to try something new or challenging with a character, since they are designed to be temporary.