
Revision as of 15:43, 8 December 2010 by Toni (talk | contribs) (→‎Mythology)
Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code ZIBA
Federation Status Neutral
Planet of Origin Zibal IV
Encountered The Most Toys, TNG
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level J
List of Named Zibalians

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  • Proper Name: Zibalian
  • Pronunciation: Zi'Bal'ian

Home System

  • Quadrant: Alpha
  • Location: Pirus Sector (coordinates A26-0002-1302)
  • Proper Name: Zib Tavon
  • Pronunciation: ZiB Ta'Von
  • Star: It orbits a class M (Red) star
  • Distance from Star: it's orbit is approximately 328 million km
  • Companions: 6 other planets. It is the 4th planet in the system. They have colonies on it's largest moon and the 3rd planet as well.

Home World

  • Proper Name: Zibal IV
  • Pronunciation: Zi'Bal IV
  • Diameter: 13,618 km (8,462 miles)
  • Gravity: 1.05 standard gravity with a density of 5.4
  • Axial Tilt:22.27%, with earth like seasons
  • Orbital Period: 381 days
  • Rotational Period: 27 hours
  • Classification: M
    • Surface Water: 56%
    • Atmosphere: 1.02 is a standard pressure with 71% nitrogen, 26% oxygen, 3% trace chemicals
    • Climate: More tropical climate zones with no real polar caps.
    • Population: Just over 5 billion with another 1.5 billion on the 2 colonies.


While they do not have a history of war they did have numerous outbreaks of hostility between rival traders and merchants. They developed slowly until they finally managed to perfect space flight. Then they were willing to trade with anyone for anything that they could make a profit from.


Their government is a reflection of them as a people. Its main purpose is to keep their society going while encouraging business and trade. In fact it has become a subsidiary of the Stacius Trade Guild, a consortium of wealthy traders who deal in many highly lucrative products such as Dilithium or rare compounds like Hitritium.


They appear as typical humanoids that have distinctive facial tattooing on one side of their faces which appears to be a widely-held custom. Some wear decorative metal ribbons on their face as well although this does not appear to be as common.


They have a common humanoid physiology with many of the same hormonal and chemical enzymes as most other humanoid species.


They have a normal level of mental health issues although it is not uncommon for them to take enormous risks in order to obtain either a rare item or the funds to buy the item if they need it for their collection. The drive to collect, to add a new piece to their collections is in some cases over powering and has caused some to take insane risks in order to add a new piece to their collection. A prime example of this is Kivas Fajo was a Zibalian cargo ship captain, who in 2365 kidnapped Lt. Cmdr. Data to add to his collection.


They have two gods that they observe. Com'Er the male god of business and profit and Ca'Vil his sister the goddess of collecting or acquiring. While they seem to have grown out of the people's natural tendencies to collect and seek profit certain historical documents seem to indicate that at one time they were real people who due to their abilities were rewarded for their abilities and became one with the universe.


All their myths have to do with seeking profit and adding something new and unique to their collections. The main two individuals these stories seem to revolve around are Com'Er and his twin sister Ca'Vil.


Their entire society is built on the need to acquire profit and expand their collections. Anything is acceptable if it allows them to achieve either of these two goals.


While they do enjoy art, music and other forms of entertainment as a species they are best known for their large collections of rare and valuable goods. They will collect just about anything and even the poorer members of their society will have found something to collect.


They have few customs and the ones they do have seem to revolve around adding items to their collection and the advancement of their financial empire.


The majority of the population are generally considered to be slightly behind the least advanced of the Federation member worlds when it comes to technology. This can not be said of the richer traders or companies which are considered to be for the most part on a par with the majority of the Federation member worlds. At the same time some may also be more advanced in some fields depending on their successful dealings in technology and other rare merchandise.


Their best known achievement is the Stacius Trade Guild, a consortium of wealthy traders who deal in many highly lucrative products such as Dilithium or rare compounds like Hitritium. They are the chief competition to the Ferengi in many sectors. Zibalian traders are known for large collections of rare and valuable goods.


No military but they do have a very effective police and customs force that maintain peace and harmony between the various traders and trading companies. Some of the larger companies and extremely wealthy traders even have a few privately owned security vessels to protect extremely valuable cargos.

Federation Intelligence Files

Kivas Fajo was a Zibalian cargo ship captain, who up until 2365, dealt in rare one-of-a-kind objects from around the quadrant. See file # TNG-2365-1093 for more data.


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