Travis Davis
Personal Details
- Full Name: Travis Davis (PNPC played by 1st Lieutenant Miles Unum)
- Race: Human
- Date of Birth: 236102.09
- Place of Birth: Earth, Alabama, Montgomery
- Age: 26
- Gender: Male
- Telepathic status: 0
- Height: 6' 1"
- Weight: 240 lbs.
- Hair Color: Black
- Length of Hair: Shaved
- Eye Color: Brown
- Skin Tone: Dark
- Build: Muscular
- Handedness: Right
- Temperament: Calm and confident
- Mental Problems (complexes and phobias): None
- Physical Limitations: None
- Marital Status: Single
- Children: None
- Parents:
- Father: Chris Davis
- Mother: Marla Davis
- Siblings: None
Personal History
Professional History
- Date graduated Starfleet Academy: 238604.05
- Current Assignment: USS Challenger-A, Marine Officer
- Current Rank: 2nd Lieutenant