Ahishma Chandra

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Ahishma Chandra is the Leader of the Naturalist Party of Duronis II. Hardly active in politics, the Naturalists are the naturalists are almost anti-technology and against modernisation. In touch with nature, they advocate a return to a more traditional way of life.

Ahishma Chandra


  • Full Name: Ahishma Chandra
  • Race: Laudean
  • Date of Birth: unknown
  • Place of Birth: Govinda Province -Til'Han (aka. Duronis II)
  • Age: unknown
  • Sex: Female
  • Telepathic status: 0
  • Political Affiliation: Naturalist
  • Position: Leader of the Naturalist Party.


  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight:  ?????
  • Hair Color: Blonde
  • Length of Hair: Wong but curled -see above.
  • Eye Color: Yellow
  • Skin Tone: Green ears and Laudean markings, pale skin complexion.


  • Marital Status: Single
  • Children: None
    • Father: TBA
    • Mother: TBA
  • Siblings: TBA

Personal History

Innocent and trusting, her good nature leads her to be tricked by the Romulans and Federation. Chandra develops a dislike of non-Laudeans and distrust of them too.

Time Line


Extreme Left of centre. The naturalists are almost anti-technology and against modernisation. In touch with their environment and the elements they are often powerful fielders and very down to earth people. Not overly politically active but a lot of support in more rural areas of Duronis II. Strong attachment to their space of nature and sharing many of the early beliefs that set up the fielding league but much more part of the people and a way of life. Refusal to acknowledge the modern world makes them a smaller party.

Interestingly, the Naturalists stand in contrast to the Fielding League (and Tradionalist party) with whom they have historically always disagreed. They develop their fielding abilities with nature, fielding with nature and nature's history -freely rather than as part of a ceremony or set of organised beliefs. Although both Fielding League and Naturalists Field, the naturalists disagree with the organisation and ritualisation of such events. They represent a traditional way of life from before the Fielding League's organisation and were often persecuted by the league for their emancipated beliefs.

Political Career

In 2383, Ahishma Chandra has been chosen by the Naturalists to be their leader. She, however, remains relatively unengaged with dailly politics and prefers the freedom of the forest in her home Govinda.

Key sims

