Academy Curriculum for Mailea Labria
Since Mailea spent 7 years on Academy due to change in mayor from Science to medical and in the end finally settled as operations her curriculum contains exams from all those fields of study.
- Administration : General
- Administration: Chain of Command and General Protocol
- Administration: StarFleet Operations
- Ambo-jitsu
- Astrogation: Warp Drive
- Astronomy
- Astrophysics
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Botany
- Botany
- Comparative Archaeology: Vulcan
- Computer Operation
- Computer Programming
- Diagnosis: El-Aurian
- Diagnosis: Terran
- Diagnosis: Vulcan
- Diplomacy
- Diplomacy: General
- Ecology
- Electronics Operations: Communications
- Electronics Operations: Deflector Shields
- Electronics Operations: Life Support
- Electronics Operations: Medical
- Electronics Operations: Photon Torpedoes
- Electronics Operations: Security
- Electronics Operations: Security Systems
- Electronics Operations: Sensors
- Electronics Operations: Starship Phasers
- Electronics Operations: Transporters
- Electronics: Communications
- Electronics: Computers
- Electronics: Deflectors
- Electronics: Sensors
- Engineering: Computer Memory and Personnel Interfaces
- Engineering: LCARS Programming 1
- Engineering: Replicators, Transporters and Holodecks
- Engineering: Sensors, Communications and Helm Systems
- First Aid
- Genetics
- Geology
- Gunner: Photon Torpedoes
- Gunner: Starship Phasers
- History: Federation
- History: Vulcan
- Language: Federation Standard
- Language: Betazoid
- Language: Klingon
- Language: Vulcan
- Language: zakdorn
- Law: Federation
- Law: Federation, General
- Leadership
- Mathematics
- Mathematics: Concepts
- Medicine: First Aid and Field Medicine
- Physics
- Physics: Concepts
- Physiology: El-Aurian
- Physiology: Terran
- Physiology: Vulcan
- Pilot: Runabout
- Pilot: Shuttlecraft
- Pilot: Starship
- Piloting: Runabouts and Shuttles
- Psychology: El-Aurian
- Psychology: Vulcan
- Psychology: Terran
- Starfleet Protocol
- Strategy: Space
- Subspace Mechanics
- Survival: Environmental Suits and Zero-G Training
- Survival: Starship Emergencies
- Tactics: Combat, Small Weapons
- Tactics: Combat, Unarmed
- Tactics: Small Units
- Tactics: Space
- Vacc Suit Operations
- Weapons: Phasers
- Xenobiology: Concepts
- Xenobiology: General
- Xenology: El-Aurian
- Xenology: General
- Xenology: Vulcan
- Zero-G Operations
- Zoology
It is not known which of those Mailea repeated during her 2 years of Academy reiterate.