
Revision as of 02:29, 17 September 2008 by Onewhoisseveral (talk | contribs) (New page: {{Template:ILI| image = 110px| 4letter = SNMN| fedstatus = Non-Aligned| origin = Unknown| |encountered = Unknown |techlevel = NS |}} The Senmeten are a non-human...)
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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code SNMN
Federation Status Non-Aligned
Planet of Origin Unknown
Encountered Unknown
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level NS
List of Named Senmetens

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The Senmeten are a non-humanoid species who most resemble Terran ophidians (snakes) with three separate heads. Their biological and material sciences are nearly nonexistent, but they have a highly developed science of the mind. They operate on a species-wide psychic gestalt, and their evolution has walked them down a path without two of the senses humans enjoy, hearing and taste. The Senmeten lack mouths and hearing organs, and they can neither speak nor understand verbal communication.

Many years ago, far outside Federation Space (and probably far from the Alpha Quadrant, as well), the Senmeten homeworld was subjugated by an unknown force, and the Senmeten were conscripted into a hierarchy of thrall races. However, since the Senmeten have very little in the way of material resources, they were quickly abandoned as a viable slave race. They did learn, at that time, that there were both other races in the universe, and that they were not immune to their machinations. As such, the Senmeten abandoned their homeworld and any type of sphere-of-influence-building, choosing instead to form small nomadic caravels.

Senmeten spacefaring technology is not technology in the traditional sense. Instead, the dozen or so Senmeten aboard each "ship" will create a vessel out of pure psychic energy, somewhat akin to a vessel made out of force fields. The "ship" is sustained by the Senmeten aboard with little effort, but due to their non-technological nature, the Senmeten and their "ships" do not have access to warp technology.

The Senmeten do possess a fleet of non-armed, semi-sentient self-replicating probes that search the galaxy for races similar to themselves, as well as an early warning system against races like that which subjugated them the first time. Such a probe approached the Federation world of Betazed in mid-late 2385 and happened upon the gathering of counselors there. It alerted the nearest Senmeten vessel, which has since arrived at the planet....