Jenatris Cloud Sector

Revision as of 05:32, 27 June 2008 by Canreb (talk | contribs) (edited data)

The Jenatris Cloud Sector (coordinates B03-0005-1300) is under the Trinity Sector. The three major powers of the Beta Quadrant barely have a presence in this sector. This region is of barely even minor strategic importance, and is shared between the Federation, Romulan Star Empire and Klingon Empire.

Serellan Sector
Trinity Sector
Jenatris Cloud Sector
(Sector 118 map)
Local Species
Stellar Phenomenae
Federation Presence

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By far the most dominant feature of this sector is the Jenatris Cloud from which it recieved it's name. It takes up most of the "bottom half" of the sector and is just outside Federation jurisdiction. On the far side of the Cloud, through the Jenatris Corridor, is the Par'tha Expanse.

Federation landmarks

Sigma Corvi System

Sigma Corvi star system is approximately 4 lightyears southeast of Starbase 118 and about 2 lightyears from the border of Klingon space in the Trinity Sector.

This system is considered a danger to stellar navigation due to as yet unknown and or unusual stellar conditions that have resulted in the loss of at least 17 know space craft. This system has no known planets, but long range scans and scientific study seems to indicate that was not always the case. It is unknown at this time what destroyed these planets.

X'lar System

X'lar is approximately 4 light years east, north east of StarBase 118 and within Federation space. It is about 2 light years north of the Cart'hen system.

It has 2 planets, both with no atmosphere.

Klingon landmarks

Age'Beg System

This star system is just north of the division line between this sector, the Trinity Sector and the Mempa Sector which is the next one below it.

It has 3 planetary bodies of which one is a icy rock ball, one is hot rock ball and the third is a terrestial type planet capable of sustaining life. Their is a Klingon colony on the second planet which is mostly covered with water. There are also 2 asteroid belts in this system.

EjDo' System

This star system is just inside the outer edge of the Azure Nebula, about 2 light years from both the divisional line between the Trinity Sector and the Acamar Sector and the Mempa Sector.

This system has 3 rock ball planets, a medium gas giant and a greenhouse planet as well as 2 asteroid belts.

Ja'Meal System

This star system is 5 light years west of H'Atoria, just within Klingon controled space.

This system has a large gas giant, 2 rock ball planets and a Class M planet with dense forests and numerous predators as well as a asteroid belt.

Romulan landmarks

Gorum System

This star system is the closest to the Nequencia star system with just under 1 lightyear separating them.

This star system has 2 planets. One is a rock ball and the second one is a terrestrial planet that has a Romulan agricultural colony.

Orum Tak System

This star system is approximately 4 light years south west of Zeta Pictoris.

This star system has an asteroid belt, a rock ball planet, a small gas giant and a terrestrial planet.

Talok Vie System

This star system is close to the Neutral Zone, approximately 1 light year from it and approximately 7.5 light years from the Acamar Sector border with the Trinity Sector.

This star system has a large gas giant, an asteroid belt and an ice rock ball planet.