Embassy Crew History
Commanding Officers & Ambassadors
- Rocar Drawoh-Hilzarie
- Ktarian
- From stardate 238112.27 to the present day
- as a Commander from Stardate 238112.27 to 238203.21
- as a Captain from Stardate 238203.21 to the present day
Deputy Chiefs of Mission
- John Sheriden
- Terran
- From stardate 238112.27 to the present day
- Starfleet rank of Commander
- Gwendolyn Hilzarie
- Betazoid
- from Stardate 238112.27 to 238202.12
- then again from Stardate 238205.20 to the present day
- Starfleet rank of Lieutenant Commander
- Barlow Gilbert
- Terran
- Stardate 238202.12 to 238204.04
- Starfleet rank of Ensign
- Retired.
Chief Administrative Officers
- Samantha Torrance
- Terran
- From stardate 238112.27 to 238202.12
- then again from stardate 238205.20 to the present day
- Starfleet Rank of Commander
- Gwendolyn Hilzarie
- Betazoid
- Stardate 238202.12 to 238205.20
- Starfleet Rank of Lieutenant Commander
- Transfered back to Counsellor
Administrative Officers
- Elaine Furlong
- Terran
- Worked at the Embassy as an Ensign from Stardate 238112.27 to 238206.05
- Murdered in an Embassy Library on Stardate 238206.05.
Chief Medical Officers
- Dr. Gabriel
- El-Aurian
- From stardate 238112.27 to the present day
- Starfleet rank of Lieutenant Commander
Medical Officers
- Dr. Ebrin Tarn
- Unjoined Trill
- as an Ensign from 238201.02 to 238203.21
- Worked at the Embassy as a Junior Grade Lieutenant from 238203.21 to 238206.29
- Transferred to the USS Auroura
Chief Engineers
- Cyrus Webb
- Betazoid
- Worked at the Embassy as an Ensign from Stardate 238112.27 to 238203.21
- Worked at the Embassy as a Junior Grade Lieutenant from 238203.21 to the present day
Pilots / Asst.Engineers
- Charles Hawk
- Terran
- Worked on the Embassy from Stardate 238202.12 to 238205.16
- Starfleet rank of Ensign.
Heads of Security
- Elandara Dar
- Bajoran
- Wored at the Embassy as a Lieutenant from Stardate 238112.27 to 238207.14
- Worked at the Embassy as a Liteutenant Commander from Stardate 238207.14 to the present day
Security Officers
- Kei'Lann Pulak
- Vulcan
- Worked at the Embassy from Stardate 238204.19 to the present day
- Starfleet Rank of Ensign
Strategic Operations Officers
- Hiram Panzel
- Bajoran
- Worked at the Embassy from Stardate 238202.20 to Stardate 238204.12
- Starfleet Rank of Chief Petty Officer
- Alexandre Tolipan
- Terran & El-Aurian
- Worked at the Embassy from Stardate 238207.05 to the present day
- Starfleet Rank of Ensign
Intelligence Operatives
- Matt Danniels
- Terran
- Worked at the Embassy from stardate 238203.01 to 238203.21
- Starfleet rank of Commander.
- Transfered to USS Constitution
- Anthony Losett Creed
- Terran
- Worked at the Embassy as an Ensign from Stardate 238203.28 to 238207.14
- Worked at the Embassy as a Junior Grade Lieutenant from Stardate 238207.14 to the present day
- Michael Rourke
- Terran
- Special assignment on Duronis II Stardate 238207.28 to the present day
- Captain
Science Officers
- Xoet Twelve
- Mazarite & Osdurp
- Worked at the Embassy from stardate 238112.27 to the present day
- Starfleet rank of Ensign
- Jason Gondor
- Terran
- Worked at the Embassy from stardate 238203.01 to 238205.13
- Starfleet rank of Ensign
- Dekon Renora
- Bajoran
- Worked at the Embassy from Stardate 238204.19 to the present day
- Starfleet rank of Ensign
- Viazard Jordon
- Terran
- Worked at Embassy from Stardate 238207.27 to present day
- Starfleet rank of Ensign
Historian and Archaeological Specialists
- Toggo
- Deltan
- Worked at the Embassy from Stardate 238202.07 to 238203.20
- Civillian
- Angelica T'Vak
- Argellian & Vulcan
- Worked at Embassy from Stardate 238207.27 to present day
- Starfleet rank of Ensign.