New Scotland


New Scotland was settled by people from Earth as part of the second wave of outer space colonization. The first wave occured dureing and just after the Eugenics Wars in the 1990's. Most of the first wave colonization attempts were lost or failures.

The second wave occured years later after the initial success of the starship Enterprise NX-01, Captained by Johnathan Archer. Various factions, regions or other groups saw colonization of the stars as the future for the human race. These organizations examined the intel sent home by both the Enterprise and deep space freighters. After the founding of the Federation in 2161 they were also able to access the records of the Vulcan, Andorian and Tellerite space missions.

The region known as the United Kingdoms had a number of proposed colonization projects in the works. These projects would result in the founding of a number of colonies. New Scotland was the last one established in 2215. It was also the one farthest from the homeworld at this time. The final determining factor in it's selection was the request from the Raskor System for assistance in the creation of a defensive system.

The United Kingdoms approached the Federation, offering to supply the workers for the project. Their offer was accepted. Over 93% of the workers who were shipped into space at the expense of the Raskorians then settled on the colony of New Scotland once their one year work contract was finished. This took a huge dent out of the cost of founding the colony. As a result it was the largest colony created by the United Kingdoms.

The work of converting the 4 moons of Raskor into weapons platforms started in 2217 and lasted until 2228, a total of 11 years. The task was of mythic proportions, with more than 100,000 workers a year transported to the construction site. When finished more than 1.5 million human workers had worked on the project.

Most of these workers then settled on New Scotland where for most of them their families were already waiting for them. This resulted in an initial population growth over the first 15 years from 0 to more than 4 million. The largest and quickest growth enjoyed by any colonization effort funded by Earth.

Since that time they have grown and prospered, becoming a member of the Federation and thanks to the initial work period on Raskor close tradeing partners and closest allied friends with the Raskorian people.


The human settlers who founded the colony and those who worked on the defensive weapons instillations on the 4 moons of Raskor were mostly from the United Kingdoms region of Earth. In fact over 75% of all the settlers who arrived at the colony during the initial 15 years were mostly from the northern region of the United Kingdoms, from an area called Scotland.

These people brought with them many of the customs and history of their ancient homeland. These traditions are now as much a part of the people as they were before they left Earth for their new home among the stars.

Kilts, clans, bagpipes, highland dancers, tossing a caber, hagas and so much more are a important part of the history and character of the people of New Scotland.


The Church of Scotland


New Scotland is in many ways just like the Scotland of Earth. The only major difference is better weather, longer growing seasons and milder winters. There are highlands which are excellent for raising herd animals like cattle and sheep, and an abundance of good rich flatland that has resulted in many a bumper crop.

The seas were teaming with life and the colonists brought many different types of plant life with them, not just the seeds for crops. They also brought many domesticated animals as well. The new plants thrived, especially the heather.

The seasons drift gently one into another. The few storms they get are mostly rain storms with a little lightning to spice it up.


Their were no indiginous life forms other than those in the seas, which were rich in types, numbers and variety. Fishing provided an important part of their daily diet for the early colonists and still does.

Now cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, goats and over 3 dozen varieties of birds now call this world home. Dogs and cats are plentiful as well, still provideing companionship.


They have an extremely well developed economy and are totally self sufficent. Tradeing off the surplus food and trade goods they produce each year has given them one of the strongest economies in the surrounding area.


The capitol of New Scotland is Edinburgh. It is the largest city, just beating the city of Glasgow for that honour. Here is the location of the capitol buildings, built to be an extremely close replica of the royal castle back in the real Edinburgh back on Earth.

The city boasts the second largest port on the planet, being beaten out for that honour by Glasgow.


human population of more than 36,936,000