Cart'hen III

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The third planet in the Cart'hen Star System, it is the only one permenantly inhabited.


A pre tech world when the Klingons added it to their Empire the native population was around 300,000. They were quickly rounded up and put to work by their new overlords.

At one time the Klingons did have a very high population on this planet... that was before the mines quality and quantity pettered out... strip mining will do that... at that time the Klingon empire left the world... it was no longer worth fighting for... before they left they did transport a large number of criminals of many races to the planet...

The native population has decreased greatly both dureing and after the Klingons left... first through high deaths due to the harsh inhuman working conditions forced on them in the mines... then due to the destruction of their culture... values and way of life... they now number around 45,000 of which about 30,000 live in the cities... with the other 15,000 being rebels... liveing in the deserts... trying to recreate their culture and way of life...


The natives of Cart'hen III are a hardy people, with the men standing on average 5'6" and weighting about 160 lbs. Females are on average 5'4" and weight about 130 lbs. They are covered in a very short course sandy fur, with double eye lids, one of which is transparent to protect the eye from intense light or flying sand.

They have the ability to store water within a special internal water storage organ, due to this they can on average go for as long as a week without needing to take a drink.

Those that still live in the deserts still wear long loose robes, usually tan or mixed light browns in color. These robes allow them to blend into their environment. Those that live in the cities wear a wide variety of styles.


The entire planets surface is a blending of various browns. Sand, stone and rock with a scattering of native plants. In some areas sand is constantly on the move, blown around by the wind.

Rock outcroppings dot the entire planet, but they usually do not rise more than a few hundred feet above the surrounding landscape. These rock outcrops can be as small as a few dozen feet or extend over an area of a few hundred square miles. While a gradual slopeing rise is the norm it is possible to find steep drops and the occasional cliff deep among the larger groupings of rock.

Plant life is widely scattered, most with a outer surface that prevents water loss and roots that extend deep below the surface of the planet. Most of these plants are not edible by the natives but are eaten by some of the animal lifeforms native to this world.

Those plants that are edible by the natives are carefully maintained, cared for, with new plants planted in an effort to increase future harvests. Most notable among these is a fruit tree that produces a kind of fruit almost like a terran pomagranite.

Savage sand storms can last for a couple days but usually only last for a few hours.


Cart'hen III does not have many types of animals. The few they have are mostly vegetarians except for the only predetor, a Trith. This animal has short tan fur, large fangs and sharp claws. It can easily take down a person and is an extremely cunning beast. During the Klingon occupation it was one of their favourite sports to hunt them. It is a testimont to their savagery and skill that they won the hunt more often than the hunters.


Almost all the food consumed on this world has to be brought in from off world. The various mining operations, factions and corporations ship raw materials off world. Most notable industrial metals which are extremely plentiful. The income from this is then spent to bring in food and other essentials which are sold to the workers at an outlandish cost.


On the surface of the planet are 5 Cities... 3 of them true cities... while the other 2 are just large mining colonies with dreams of greatness... the largest city is Mith... they claim to be the Capitol city but... with no central government... none of the others agree... it is about the size of the other 2 cities combined... while the mining stations are a little less than half the size of one of the normal cities...

Each community is controled by a number of factions... these represent criminal organizations, corporations, mining companies, racial groups, etc... each group or faction has their own armed retainers... and have over the years worked out some form of mutual understanding... they all jockey for position... trying to improve or increase their power... these power struggles often result in open warfare...

While all 5 communities have the facilities to ship raw materials into space only Mith has anything close to a space port... Mith also has a council... represented on the council are the 11 most powerful groups in the city... many others hope to one day increase their power so as to join this elite group...


The average population of these are - Mith - 280,000, the other 2 cities about 110,000 each and the mining stations about 30,000 each for a world wide total includeing the many small groups of nomads and tiny communites scattered over its harsh surface of about 600,000...

45,000 are Cart'hen natives, 30,000 are Klingons, 100,000 are from member worlds of the Federation, 400,000 are exiled peoples from among the subject peoples of the Klingon Empire and the last 25,000 are escaped peoples from among the subject races of the Romulan Empire...


By far the largest city on the planet it also has the only thing even closely resembleing a space port. As well as the only buildings that could even be considered skyscrapers. Towering over the city are 5 large gray towers. The tallest reaching to an impressive 55 floors of which 40 of them are above ground.

Over 3/4 of the city proper is actually below ground, built into the tunnels and mine shafts left behind by extensive excavations. This warren of passages, chambers and ramps are mostly slum like liveing conditions for almost 9/10ths of the cities population. Below this are the currect mine works, slowly tunneling ever deeper.

The top 7 levels in the tallest tower belong to the city council. This council has 11 members representing the 11 most powerful factions in the city. Each of these factions has their own armed forces, HQ and plans. This elite 11 have members from corporations, gangs, fanatics and syndicates.

The council employs a group called the Enforcers, almost like a police force, they are well armed, dress like a police force but are in reality simply the councils club, with which they control all the other mobs, factions, gangs and corporations with in the city.