Security (Duty Post)
Background =
- The Starfleet Security agency is responsible for security aboard all Starfleet and some Federation outposts, vessels, and facilities. In this function, they act in ways analogous to local and regional police agencies, but Starfleet Security's mandate extends much farther than that. The agency is responsible for maintaining and enforcing Starfleet Security regulations, procedures and policies on all Starfleet and affiliated facilities, outposts, and vessels. In addition, this agency is responsible for security clearances of all Starfleet/UFP personnel.
- The agency, in close cooperation with Starfleet Intelligence, is responsible for counter-intelligence operations. The agency is also responsible for the security of the Federation President, as well as members of the Federation Council and visiting alien dignitaries.
- It is uncertain what relationship exists (if any) between Starfleet Security and the secretive and unofficial Federation agency Section 31.
- Aboard Starfleet-run facilities and vessels, security was one of the most important divisions in the 23rd and 24th centuries, combining the armory and MACO functions of the 22nd century. Security personnel served functions both defensive and offensive, ranging from security patrols on board a starship, to guarding prisoners, to firing the ship's weapons, to providing protection during landing party/away team missions, and more. In the 24th century the officer in charge of security on a starship was given the title of Security Chief.
Pre-Mission Duties
In-Mission Duties
Outside-Mission Duties
For the Head of the Department
Starship Security Procedures
= General Quarters Levels
- General Quarters One - This level occurs when the starship is on Yellow Alert. There is no obvious change in ship's routine, though one Security Officer may be stationed on the bridge. All Security Officers are issued phasers from the ship's armory. Sidearms are locked on stun.
- General Quarters Two - The level always occurs when the starship is on Red Alert. One or two Security Officers are stationed on the bridge, and one to four Security Officers take up stand-by positions on each non-engineering deck. Fully equipped detachments of four or more Security Officers each may be sent to the transporter rooms and hangar bays.
- General Quarters Three - This level is most often used during an Intruder Alert. Pairs of armed Security Officers patrol every corridor on every deck. Two Security Officers are stationed on the bridge, and the Chief of Security routinely checks corridors via audio-visual and/or infrared sensor monitors. If the ship is so equipped, its Automatic Bridge Defense System is activated. Phaser sidearms are locked on heavy stun.
- General Quarters Four - This level and above are reserved for major boarding attacks or hijackings. Pairs of armed Security Officers wearing Security armor patrol every corridor on every deck. Security Officers are dispatched to guard sensitive areas, including the bridge, auxiliary bridge, engineering, hangar bay, and life support. The hangar bay doors are usually locked shut, and some security bulkheads may be closed, isolating selected areas of the ship. Phaser sidearms may be set to kill.
- General Quarters Five - All turbolifts are shut down, and all security bulkheads and hangar bay doors are closed. Security Officers are issued personal breathing apparatus, and some or all decks may be flooded with neural gas, a powerful, fast-acting tranquilizer.
- General Quarters Six - Vents from the engineering fusion chambers are opened, releasing fatal quantities of radioactive gas throughout most decks of the ship. Total crew casualties may run as high as 70 percent.
- General Quarters Seven - This regulation outlines some of the criteria used to determine when a starship's senior officers should implement the vessel's self-destruct sequence.
Military Police Entry on Wikipedia
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