Misha Yates

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Crew of the USS Mercury
Ensign Misha Yates


  • Rank: Ensign
  • Ship: USS Mercury
  • Position: Engineering Officer
  • Race: Betazoid Human hybrid
  • Gender: Female
  • DoB:
  • Birthplace:
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eye color:
  • Hair Color:
  • Skin:
  • Build:
  • Handedness:
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Ensign Misha Yates, a Betazoid Human hybrid, is currently an Engineering Officer aboard the USS Mercury.



While not the most out spoken person Misha is fast thinking. Sometimes its gotten her in trouble. Misha being half Betazoid shes able to read peoples emotions.


  • Mannerisms: When found in a situation where she might have to speak publicly she taps her fingers on objects.
  • Temperament: Easily distracted by others emotions.
  • Habits: When presented with a fear Misha bites her fingernails.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion:

Hobbies and Pastimes

  • In her off time Misha enjoys listening to classic music from 19th century earth. She also enjoys track and field, and also had a 20th century bike replicated. Camping and hunting also became a favorite even though her father taught her to hunt it was a way to teach her how to be able to survive off the land.


  • Music, camping, track & field, Bike riding.


  • Arranged marriages(one of the reasons she left home and joined Star Fleet).


Describtion of personal quarters goes here.

  • Favorite Room:

Ambitions and Goals

Describtion of goals and amitions

Personal Achievements and Disappointments

  • Achievements:
    • List of achievements
  • Disappointments:
    • List of disappointments


  • Spouse:
    • OPTIONAL: Describtion of spouse/what is the relationship between you and your characters spouse?
  • Mother:
    • OPTIONAL: Describtion of mother/how your characters mother impacted your characters life/how is your characters mother today; does she have an occupation?
  • Father:
    • OPTIONAL: Describtion of father/how your characters father impacted your characters life/how is your characters father today; does he have an occupation?
  • Siblings:
    • OPTIONAL: Describtion of siblings/how your characters siblings impacted your characters life/how are your characters siblings today; do they have an occupation?

OPTIONAL: Family history/relationship between your character and your characters family.

Personal History

((OOC: You are able to create a page by typing [[/Personal History]]))

OPTIONAL: Timeline of events.

  1. 236306.13:


  • 236306.13:


USS Mercury
Oracle Class

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Military History

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Ensign 238812.21 USS Mercury Engineering Officer


(Year) Awards

List of awards you and your character have recieved.


USS Mercury Missions

Name of the missions your character has participated in.


Link to sims that you might have put on the Wiki or are on the Mercury's website.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Mercury Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Tara Mirza
Chief Engineer
Juanita Sanchez
Chief Medical Ofc.
Pouge Romey
Science Officer
Jackson Hendricks
Executive Officer
Gabriel Evanston
Engineering Officer
Medical Officer
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