Jonathan Shelton

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Ensign Jonathan Kelley Shelton is currently serving as Science Officer aboard the USS Wallace and recommissioned Deep Space 17. A man that likes to get his hands dirty of information, Jon is a scientist by heart and soul. Shelton is also an avid professional wrestler in the holodeck.

This is an attempt to let others feel like they can come to know Ensign Jonathan Shelton


  • Full Name: Jonathan Kelley Shelton, birth name Kelvin
  • Nick Name: Jon, Dimples (Academy nickname)
  • Birthdate: 2319
  • Birth Place: Boston, Massachusetts, former United States of America, Earth
  • Current Rank: Ensign
  • Current Postition: Science Officer
  • Gender: Male
  • T/E Rating: Unknown, read below.
  • Species: El-Aurian
  • Zodiac Sign: Unknown


  • Hair Color: Sandy Brown or Dark Blonde, whatever your preference
  • Hair Length: Short and spiked up
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Skin Tone: Tanned but still flesh colored.
  • Scars: None
  • Tattoos: None
  • Build: A husky, muscular build from wrestling and training to wrestle.
  • Tone/Voice: Jon speaks with an accent that might be mistaken for Terran British. His voice is deep and protruding. He can be heard across a room full of people if made to laugh.
  • Presence: Jon lightens up a room and is noticed due to his height. Jon also has a trademark smile that got him the nickname "Dimples" at the Academy.
  • Facial Features: The dimples are noticable in Jon's smile. Jon's eyes are a bit inset, but they can still "stare a Klingon to tears".
  • Off Duty Clothing: Jon likes his Academy T-shirts and sweatpants, and will wear them down to the holodeck to wrestle and train.
  • Shoes: In uniform, standard regulation boots. Out of uniform, wrestling boots or tennis shoes.

Telepathic Prowess

  • Telepathic Rating: Unknown
  • Empathic Rating: Unknown

Jon has never been tested for telepathic or empathic ability. There has always speculation that they are there, due to him being El-Aurian and the fact that he can almost finish what you are saying in mid sentence. But there is no number associated with Jon's abilities since Starfleet has never gotten around to testing him.


  • Biological Father: Lorenzo, El-Aurian
  • Adopted Father: James Benjamin Shelton, Sr.
  • Mother: Dartruia (Shelton)
  • Biological Siblings: None
  • Step Siblings: Lt. James Benjamin Shelton, Jr., Lauren MacKenzie Shelton
  • Spouse/Significant Other: None
  • Children: None

Family History

  • Lorenzo: Someone Jon is happy to never see again. Lorenzo is Jon's biological father and former husband to Dartruia. Lorenzo is full El-Aurian, and was once on the SS Lakul, a transport caught in the Nexus energy ribbon in 2293. Lorenzo and 46 others, including Guinan and Dr. Tholian Soren, were rescued by the USS Enterprise-B under the command of Captain John Harriman. At last report to his family, Lorenzo was a freelance renegade trader, and might have been caught by the Borg by now.
  • James Benjamin Shelton, Sr.: After Dartruia and Lorenzo divorced, Dartruia brought Little Kelvin to Earth and fell in love with James Benjamin Shelton. Shelton was coming out of divorce himself, and won custody of his two children from that marriage, J.B. Shelton, Jr., and Lauren MacKenzie Shelton. They married and James had Kelvin's name changed to Jonathan Kelley Shelton. James is a research scientist with the Daystrom Institute.
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