Hello! My name is Lich and I write for Gnai on board the USS Artemis-A.

User:Gnai/Sandbox <- currently testing for featured article spot
User:Gnai/Sandbox1 <- testing for a pnpc maybe perhaps


  • Name: Lich
  • Joined Starbase 118: 240102.27 (Feb 27, 2024)
  • Training Cruise: 240102.19 (Feb 19, 2024)

Ships of the Line

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USS Artemis-ALuna class

Player Characters

Main Character/s
Insignia Rank Character Name Vessel Current Post Status
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Ensign Gnai USS Artemis-A Science Officer Active

OOC Activities/Info

Writer for Gnai, a Galadoran serving aboard the USS Artemis-A.

I go by Lich (yes, like the type of undead wizard, it's what I go by online and it's a long story!) and you can use whatever pronouns you want to when referring to me.

I'm 22, and I'm currently a student at university. I've been a huge fan of Star Trek all my life (as well as Star Wars and all other sorts of science fiction - I'm a huge fan of written science fiction and I've got a TBR of ~200 books at the moment... NOT including Star Trek Beta canon or Star Wars Expanded Universe novels). Currently getting introduced to Babylon 5 by a friend and loving it.

Send me music, send me things to sort/categorize, etc! I love having Tasks To Do and Things To Listen To.

Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
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Laudean Commendation 240106.25
USS Artemis-A
Awarded to those who have shown great creativity in many facets of species creation or expansion, including physiological, psychological, cultural, social, and more, and their creativity will inspire their fellow simmers. The Laudean Commendation can cover many aspects of species development, such as expansion of the species on the wiki and documenting their history, but should primarily be based in In Character simming.

"When Gnai was first assigned to the Artemis, that was pretty much the only thing I could fixate on. I had limited knowledge of the Galadorans from a canon perspective, and could find very little reason why anyone might one to write for one (or how they might work as a member of Starfleet). And yet, Gnai’s contributions not only in their writing with us, but their development of the species has been absolutely masterful to witness."
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Sarpeidon Award 240107.02
USS Artemis-A
Awarded to a simmer who has made outstanding contributions to the 118Wiki. Sarpeidon was the planet in TOS's "All Our Yesterdays" where the inhabitants built a library collecting their whole world's history. This is essentially what our wiki aspires to be: a repository of our group's history and a simming database.

"Ensign Gnai (Lich) has only been a member of the 118 community for a few short months, but their impact, particularly on our wiki, already runs deep. Wiki work, particularly the menial tasks of categorizing pages and images, is often thankless work that few people are eager to dig into. In their short time in our community, Lich has already single-handedly categorized over 3,500 files to assist Wiki Ops in reducing the number of uncategorized images on the wiki, and has made an impression on their colleagues for doing so with positivity and initiative worthy of recognition! Thanks for your work, Ensign!"