Ambrose Cole

Revision as of 17:28, 22 November 2007 by Varaan (talk | contribs)
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Ambrose Cole
Character Type Personal NPC
Biographical Information
Homeworld Earth
Born June 13, 2352
Died n.a.
Physical Description
Species Human
Gender Male
Height 1.86m
Weight 72 kg
Hair Colour short, Black
Eye Colour Blue
Professional Information
Affiliation Federation citizen
Job Description political attache
Rank n.a.

Ambrose Francis Cole was born into a wealthy family on Earth. He was sent to the best schools, had private tutors, and generally received an education that was second to none. Unfortunately, A.C. (as he prefers to be called) felt smothered by his parents and family, and when he was old enough, struck out on his own. He got his first real job working for the Federation's Press and Information Bureau as an investigative journalist. The job involved a lot of travel, which A.C. enjoyed very much. It also involved prying into a lot of peoples lives and sometimes dangerous situations, which A.C. discovered he also enjoyed very much. Quickly, however, A.C. changed his career goals after doing a political story. He had been shadowing and interviewing Starfleet's Fleet Admiral Wolf during the admiral's most recent foray into Federation politics (campaigning for the UFP presidency). A.C. decided that the political world held just as much intrigue and danger as what he had been used to, but that he could "go farther" as a political attache rather than a journalist.

A.C. is currently part of Admiral Wolf's staff. His job includes setting up appointments and public appearances, background checks on people and locations with whom the admiral will come into contact, and helping advise the admiral on the formation of his policy based on the will of his constituents.