User:Lazarus Davis/Kaat

< User:Lazarus Davis
Revision as of 10:32, 11 October 2023 by Lazarus Davis (talk | contribs) (added in short version, completed profile)

Long Version

Cadet Kaat grew up on a trade caravan that endlessly moved from place to place, moving resources and expertise around the less trafficked parts of the galaxy. Like her mother before her, she's a trained toxicologist; a valuable frontier skill. After her mother passed away due to exposure to a potent neurotoxin, Kaat decided she needed a change and joined Starfleet.


  • Full Name: Kaat
  • Race: Klingon
  • Date of Birth: 2374
  • Place of Birth: Outreach Trade Caravan
  • Age: 29
  • Gender: woman
  • Telepathic status: T0/E0


  • Height: 2 meters (6'6")
  • Weight: 125kg (276lbs)
  • Hair Color: dark brown with green streaks
  • Length of Hair: below the shoulder
  • Eye Color: brown towards the pupil, goldenrod toward the edge of the iris
  • Skin Tone: walnut
  • Birthmarks, Scars: an 8cm scar on the left side of her face that roughly follows her jawline
  • Build: muscular and feminine
  • Face: diamond shaped, symmetrical other than the scar. She has particularly expressive eyebrows.
  • Eyes: round, bright
  • Mouth: large, with tapered lips
  • Arms: perhaps the most visible example of her muscular physique. All of the muscle groups on her arms are well defined, but her skin isn't pulled taught
  • Legs: long and muscular
  • Posture: upright, shoulders back. She's strong and broad, and her posture shows it off.
  • Poses (Hands/Gestures, Feet/Legs, Torso/Head): despite her posture, her poses and movement are delicate and specific. She carries herself with care.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): she's never off duty
  • Shoes: the heaviest boot regulations allow
  • Voice: hoarse and raspy
  • Handedness: true Klingons are ambidexterous


  • Quarters: few affects of her own, but they are precious to her. Particularly, her mother's medkit.
  • Favorite Room: the gym
  • Habits: bookish, and often keeps to herself outside of classrooms. Being planetside for so long is hard for her, and she's eager to get back on a ship.
  • Mannerisms: in the way that many Klingon warriors will wave about a weapon, she does so with books
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Kaat is very fond of shipboard arboretum, and likes to sit in there and read or relax
  • Ambitions and Goals: Kaat isn'r entrely sure yet, but she knows that she'll be useful in Starfleet while keeping with the familiar life-on-the-move in space
  • Achievements in Life: helped cure the Repeating Plague on Cyldor VI
  • Disappointments in Life: loss of her mother to a neurotoxin
  • Temperament: cool and focused at all times, except when she's not
  • Mental problems (complexes and phobias): presents as mildly agoraphobic when planetside
  • Physical Limitations: though quite muscular and fit, she is not athletic, and is somewhat uncoordinated


  • Marital Status: single
  • Parents
    • Father: Kro
    • Mother: K'ellaH
  • Siblings: Rupan

Personal History

  1. 237110.02: Born on Outreach Trade Caravan
  2. 238003.02: Participated in her first big game hunt, bagged a th'n'w with 6 horns
  3. 239007.26: helped cure the Repeating Plague on Cyldor VI
  4. 239911.11: mother exposed to Parithian needlefish toxin
  5. 239911.12: mother passed away
  6. 240002.08: submitted application to join Starfleet Academy

Short Version


  • Full Name: Kaat
  • Race: Klingon
  • Date of Birth: 2374
  • Place of Birth: Outreach Trade Caravan
  • Age: 29
  • Gender: woman
  • Telepathic status: T0/E0


  • Height: 2 meters (6'6")
  • Weight: 125kg (276lbs)
  • Hair Color: dark brown with green streaks
  • Eye Color: brown towards the pupil, goldenrod toward the edge of the iris


  • Marital Status: single
  • Parents
    • Father: Kro
    • Mother: K'ellaH
  • Siblings: Rupan


  1. 237110.02: Born on Outreach Trade Caravan
  2. 238003.02: Participated in her first big game hunt, bagged a th'n'w with 6 horns
  3. 239007.26: helped cure the Repeating Plague on Cyldor VI
  4. 239911.11: mother exposed to Parithian needlefish toxin
  5. 239911.12: mother passed away
  6. 240002.08: submitted application to join Starfleet Academy