User:Connor Dewitt/Sedona Frex

Starfleet Academy
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Sedona Frex
Position Cadet
Rank Cadet
Species Denobulan
Gender FEmale
DOB 23655.12
Age 36
Birthplace Denobula
Writer ID A239901CD3

Cadet Sedona Frex, a Denobulan, is currently enrolled at Starfleet Academy as an OPS major on route to her final exams aboard Starbase 118.


  • Full Name: Sedona Frex
  • Race: Denobulan
  • Date of Birth: 236505.12
  • Place of Birth: Ulkhar
  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Female
  • Telepathic status: T0/E0


Sedona is of slender build. Her light blonde hair falls gracefully to her shoulders, complementing her almond-shaped brown eyes and narrow mouth that always seems to wear a cheerful, friendly expression. Despite her thin arms and legs, she carries herself with an upright and confident posture, showcasing her dexterity. When off duty, Sedona's taste in clothing leans towards the expensive and gallant, reflecting her refined style.

  • Height: 1,65m
  • Weight: 62kg
  • Hair Color: light blonde
  • Length of Hair: shoulder-length
  • Eye Color: brown
  • Skin Tone: light
  • Birthmarks, Scars: none
  • Build: graceful
  • Face: cheeful, friendly
  • Eyes: almond-shaped
  • Mouth: narrow
  • Arms: thin
  • Legs: thin
  • Carriage: upright and confident
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): expensive, gallant
  • Voice: louder than it needed to be
  • Handedness: left-handed


Sedona can't stop herself from talking, especially from talking about others. She surely prefers shifting the conversation to other people's troubles than talking about her own woes - which are considerable. She has a tendency to make boring stories more scandalous, especially when they concern people of public interest.

  • Quarters: tidy, focussed on having friends over, a lot of seating available
  • Favorite Room: mess hall
  • Habits: always talking
  • Mannerisms: extrovert
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: none
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: throwing parties, on the Academy basketball team
  • Likes: being the center of attention, telling stories, hearing gossip
  • Dislikes: boring people
  • Ambitions and Goals: Wanted to become a highly respected merchant on Denobula, she know tries to make the best of things.
  • Achievements in Life: Made a lot of money with her father's business
  • Disappointments in Life: Lost that business to her big mouth
  • Temperment: impulsive


  • Marital Status: single
  • Children: None
  • Parents
    • Father: Kopp Frex (deceased)
    • Mother: Endina Frex
  • Siblings: A lot due to the Denobulans being polygamous.

Personal History

Sedona was a trader, like her father was. After he passed away early in her life, she took over his business. Her big mouth and her flexible moral codex got her in contact with the Orion Syndicate. She took their business and made a bunch of money in the process which she were able to stash in a secure location in a Ferengi bank. Her big mouth and her inability to fulfill her biggest contract with the Syndicate put her within the Orion's crosshairs. Her life had been threatened multiple times since then and the Syndicate has ceased her business. After a failed attempt to take ther life, she decided that she needed protection and joined Starfleet. She has not told anybody withing Starfleet about her secret and trusts the Fleet's security services to keep her safe.

  1. 236505.12: Born on Denobula.
  2. 238404.17: Her father died due to a disease
  3. 238405.12: She takes over her fathers business after finishing school
  4. 239511.05: Enters into business with the Orion Syndicate
  5. 239601.01: Joins Starfleet Academy

Professional History

  • Date Graduated from Academy: -
  • Current Rank: Cadet
  • Current Assignment: On Route to Final Exams
  • Duty Post: Cadet


  1. 239708.01: Entered Starfleet Academy

Cadet Sedona Frex, a Denobulan, is currently enrolled at Starfleet Academy on route to her final exams aboard Starbase 118.


  • Full Name: Sedona Frex
  • Current Rank: Cadet
  • Race: Denobulan
  • Date of Birth: 236505.12
  • Place of Birth: Ulkhar
  • Gender: Female
  • Telepathic status: T0/E0


  • Height: 1,65m
  • Weight: 62kg
  • Hair Color: light blonde
  • Eye Color: brown


  • Spouse: none
  • Children: none
  • Parents
    • Father: Kopp Frex (deceased)
    • Mother: Endina Frex
  • Siblings: A lot due to the Denobulans being polygamous.


  1. 236505.12: Born on Denobula.
  2. 239708.01: Entered Starfleet Academy