User:Tahna Meru/Iria
Cadet Iria, a Vulcan/Orion hybrid woman, is currently a 4th year cadet at Starfleet Academy approaching her final exams.
- Full Name: Iria
- Race: Vulcan/Orion
- Date of Birth: 2nd December
- Place of Birth: USS Leavitt
- Age: Early twenties
- Gender: Female
- Telepathic status: T3
- Height: 5'8" // 1.72m
- Hair Color: Red
- Length of Hair: Long
- Eye Color: Brown
- Skin Tone: Light green
- Birthmarks, Scars: One plasma burn scar on her left calf, some freckles
- Build: Athletic
- Carriage: Stiff, formal posture. Always walks like she's in a hurry.
- Poses: Tends to stand with her hands clasped behind her back.
- Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Anything fun! She particularly likes vintage 2260s/70s fashion.
- Shoes: Always practical, so they often don't exactly match the rest of her outfit.
- Voice: Bright and cheery.
- Handedness: Right.
- Quarters: Neat and tidy.
- Favorite Room: The crew lounge.
- Habits: Despite her exceptionally proper posture, she often finds herself bouncing a leg when she's bored sitting down.
- Mannerisms: Defaults to Vulcan stoicism in the face of unwelcome emotions (anger, fear, sadness), but welcomes more positive displays of emotion.
- Religion/Spiritual Devotion: She follows Vulcan philosophy, to an extent. She doesn't believe in purging emotions.
- Hobbies and Pastimes: Puzzles of all kinds, reading (nonfiction and mysteries), and dancing (any style, she'll try it all).
- Likes: Spicy food, dancing, and logic puzzles.
- Dislikes: Coffee, insects, and boredom.
- Ambitions and Goals: Aspires both to make her parents proud and get out of their shadow. She fears becoming "just another washed-up Starfleet brat."
- Achievements in Life: Acceptance to the Academy (on her first try!). Surviving a whole summer on Vulcan with her grandparents.
- Disappointments in Life: Wishes she'd been able to spend more time on Orion growing up, learning about the other half of her culture.
- Temperment: Positive, extroverted, and welcoming.
- Mental problems (complexes and phobias): None
- Physical Limitations: None
- Marital Status: Single
- Children: None
- Parents
- Father: Halin
- Mother: T'Raya
- Siblings: None
Personal History
T'Raya, a Vulcan doctor, joined Starfleet after the death of her first spouse, hoping for a fresh start. But she never thought she'd find love there, in an Orion engineer named Halin, who she initially bonded with when they were briefly stranded together on an away mission. One thing led to another, and Iria was born, all green skin, pointy ears, and shockingly red hair (her father's fault, obviously). Iria was raised in Starfleet, following her parents from assignment to assignment. As a teen, she could usually be found hiding around the ship with a PADD, learning as much as possible. She once tried to sneak out to a party on the holodeck, but it's hard to get away with that sort of thing when your parents are respected officers.
Iria loved the atmosphere of exploration and adventure on starships, so there was never any question that she'd join Starfleet. She still loves both learning and going out dancing, and meticulously crafts her schedule so she has time for each.
Professional History
- Current Rank: Cadet 1st Class
- Current Assignment: Starfleet Academy
Cadet Iria, a Vulcan/Orion hybrid woman, is currently a 4th year cadet at Starfleet Academy approaching her final exams.
- Height: 5'8" // 1.72m
- Hair Color: Red
- Eye Color: Brown
- Spouse: None
- Children: None
- Parents
- Father: Halin
- Mother: T'Raya
- Siblings: None
- 237712.02: Iria is born on board the USS Leavitt.
- 239106.13 - 239109.04: Iria spends the summer on Vulcan with her grandparents, getting a crash course in all things Vulcan.
- 239505.02: Accepted to Starfleet Academy.