
Revision as of 21:53, 16 August 2023 by Doz Finch (talk | contribs)
Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code LNTH
Federation Status Neutral
Planet of Origin Alpha or Beta Quadrant
Encountered Unknown
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level TBD
List of Named Lanthanites

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The Lanthanites are a humanoid species that have lived among Humans on Earth for thousands of years, undetected until the 22nd Century.


  • Proper Name: Lanthanite
  • Pronunciation: Lan-THAN-ite

Species Information

Visually indistinguishable from Humans, they can be identified either by their unique accents (an amalgamation of many accents) and their extremely long life-spans, described as "almost forever". The biggest challenge Lanthanites face with their long life-spans is not the loss of friends and loved ones, but instead boredom.


See Federation Intelligence File.