Player achievements/Tour of Duty (Alternate)

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Player Achievements
Player Achievement-Data hound.png
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Tour of Duty
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Tour of Duty Achievements

These achievements are in use onboard the USS Gorkon and USS Artemis-A to help develop your skills in simming in line with our promotion guidelines. Please remember that they do not guarantee a promotion, and there are other considerations your CO will take into account. If you feel you have been unfairly passed over for promotion, please speak to your CO and they can discuss what you can do to achieve your goal.

Promotion to Lieutenant JG

In addition to those listed below, each writer must acquire two unique Contact achievements.

Achievement Name Achievement Description
Friends in high places
Checked in with the Captain and the First Officer.
Checked in with your assigned department chief (if applicable) and made contact with your mentor in character.
It's all in the details
Completed a basic bio for your character on the wiki which includes at least the following items:
  • Birth date and place
  • Character description
  • Family
  • A character overview of at least 3-4 sentences

Promotion to Lieutenant

In addition to those listed below, each writer must acquire two further unique Contact achievements. The questionnaire will be emailed once all other achievements for this rank have been gained.

Achievement Name Achievement Description
A face for the name
Added a portrait for your character, either provided by yourself or the Image Collective.
Data hound
Maintains a bio for your character on the wiki which includes all of the previous requirements as well as the additional following items:
  • Accurately displays the character’s current rank and duty post
  • A service history table that is up to date, showing previous ships, duty posts, and promotions.
  • A relationships section that includes at least one other PC from your ship.
Completed the Lieutenant JG’s questionnaire.

Promotion to Lt. Commander

In addition to those listed below, each writer must acquire two further unique Contact achievements. The questionnaire will be emailed once all other achievements for this rank have been gained.

Achievement Name Achievement Description
Man on a mission
Played a mission-specific personal non-playing character (MSPNPC).
Detail oriented
Maintains a bio for your character on the wiki which includes all of the previous requirements as well as the additional following items:
  • A section covering your character’s childhood/time before joining your ship
  • A section covering your character’s time since joining your ship, including a description of your character’s participation in at least one mission
  • Links to at least 3 sims you have written
Completed the Lieutenant’s questionnaire.

Nomination for Commander to the Captains Council

The commander’s promotion process which entails both a written exam and a practical exam can be long and challenging for candidates. Your command staff is dedicated to ensuring you will be well-prepared with the skills, knowledge, and support you need to successfully complete all components of the process and earn your promotion. The questionnaire will be emailed once all other achievements for this rank have been gained.

Achievement Name Achievement Description
Beam me down, Leana!
Led at least two away teams.
Two heads are better than one
Participates in your ship's mentoring program. This is absolutely vital experience given that the Commander’s written exam heavily tests a candidate’s mentoring skills.
Helping hand
Participated in at least one OOC fleet taskforce. Participation/interaction with other players and particularly other fleet staff members beyond one's own ship and demonstration of a history of working well with others is important for a candidate to successfully have their nomination for commander approved by the Captains Council.
Completed the Lt. Commander’s questionnaire.

Contact Achievements

Note: With the prior Tour of Duty Achievement system, Doctor check-ups and Counseling sessions have multiple achievement's available.

Achievement Name Achievement Description
First Star on the Right
Undertook shuttle flight re-qualifications under helm officer supervision.
Participated in a post-action debriefing with an intelligence officer or mission specialist.
Red Shirt Shooting Club
Undertook phaser or self-defence re-qualifications under security officer supervision.
This is Not a Drill
Participated in an emergency (fire, abandon ship, mass evacuation, etc) drill under operations officer supervision.
Everyday I'm Shufflin'
Participated in a damage control team drill under engineering officer supervision.
I'm in the Middle of Some Calibrations
Undertook tricorder/sensor analysis refresher session under science officer supervision.
What's up, doc?
Completed at least one medical checkup with a medical officer. Formerly Ensign to LtJG requirement.
Follow up appointment
Completed at least one additional medical checkup with a medical officer since your last promotion. Formerly LtJG to Lieutenant requirement.
Take a deep breath for me
Completed at least one additional medical checkup with a medical officer since your last promotion. Formerly Lieutenant to LCmdr requirement.
Completed at least one additional medical checkup with a medical officer since your last promotion. Formerly LCmdr to Commander requirement.
Penny for your thoughts
Attended at least one counselling session with a counsellor. Formerly Ensign to LtJG requirement.
A head full of dreams
Attended at least one additional counseling session with a counselor since your last promotion. Formerly LtJG to Lieutenant requirement.
Speak your mind
Attended at least one additional counseling session with a counselor since your last promotion. Formerly Lieutenant to LCmdr requirement.
It's on the house
Attended at least one additional counseling session with a counselor since your last promotion. Formerly LCmdr to Commander requirement.