
< User:Dekas
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Vanya, a Fabrini, is currently a Cadet in Starfleet Academy.


  • Full Name: Vanya
  • Race: Fabrini
  • Date of Birth: 237507.12
  • Place of Birth: Daran IV (or, as the Fabrini call it, "Lorina")
  • Age: 24
  • Gender: Female
  • Skin tone: Darker olive tone
  • Hair color: Black
  • Length of Hair: Barely reaches her shoulders.
  • Eye color: Dark brown
  • Height: 5’3 (1.5m)
  • Build: Fit. She works out.
  • Face: She has an almost heart-shaped facial structure.
  • Voice: Soft and airy.
  • Handedness: Left-handed.
  • Telepathic status: T0/E0


  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Outside of parenting and her career/schooling specialties, she enjoys writing. Mostly it's in a novel-esque format. But she has also created a few simple holo-program stories as well with part of that talent and enjoys that version of it as well. She also likes to paint, and meditate.
  • Likes: Writing, reading, programming, Painting, and martial arts. She also obviously likes her child. Loves him, even.
  • Dislikes: How hard it is to get close to people these days.
  • Ambitions and Goals: To graduate and make a name for herself after the fact. Despite some of her social difficulties.
  • Temperament: She has a phlegmatic, but easy-going enough temperament for the most part. She can be a bit socially awkward at times, but she does her best to own it and keeps herself open to people when she can. So long as they are kind to her son.
  • Mental problems (complexes and phobias): Nothing of note thus far outside of typical problems someone might have. Some social anxieties, and awkwardness in the process. She's working on it.
  • Physical Limitations: None of note.


  • Marital Status: Single
  • Children: Yavin (son, 3 years old)
  • Parents
    • Father: Xander
    • Mother: Rayna
  • Siblings: None, she's an only child.

Chronological History:

  • 237507.12: Born
  • 239502.05: Enrolled in Starfleet Academy, and is accepted shortly after.
  • 239506.02: Makes it to Academy Campus.
  • 239508.15: Met someone. Ended up pregnant.
  • 239510.04: Father of the child leaves.
  • 239604.01: Her son Yavin is born and she cares for him even while she continues to work through Starfleet.

Short Bio

Vanya grew up the only child of her parents. In some ways, they spoiled her, but they still tried to keep her humble and thoughtful. She was a very loved child and was always encouraged to do the things she wanted to do and helped to get where she needed to be to get into Starfleet Academy.

Very early into her schooling, she met a human man who she became enamored with. Enough so that she ended up in a relationship with him, and soon after that, pregnant. This was something they hadn't talked much about in their relationship and it ended on a bad note. The father of her child wanted no part in it, and she decided not to push for it. As upsetting as it was to hear, if he didn't want to be in their lives, then she didn't want him around and chose to raise Yavin herself.

Her son Yavin being born was something that caused some pretty significant ups and downs with grades, but she's worked very hard to prove herself in whatever way she can and continue forward with her goal to become a well-established Starfleet officer.