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"The place is called Risa and believe me, Captain, it is a paradise. Warm tropical breezes, exotic foods, nothing to do but sit around all day, enjoy the quiet, and then..." — Commander William Riker

Risian beach.jpg

Risa is an inhabited Federation planet, famous for its engineered, balmy climate. It is the homeworld of the humanoid Risians, and governed by the Risa Hedony. It is orbited by three moons, and located in a binary system about ninety light years from the Sol system, and Starbase 12 is located a short distance away.

Star System

  • Quadrant: Beta
  • Location: Piavon Regalias Sector (coordinates B25-0001-1301)
  • Proper Name: Epsilon Ceti system
  • Star: It orbits a class M (Red) star
  • Distance from Star: it's orbit is approximately 48 million km
  • Companions: It is the 2nd of 8 planets in the system
  • Moons: 3 moons.

Planetary Data

  • Proper Name: Risa
    • Other names: Epsilon Ceti B II
  • Diameter: 23,741 km (14,752 miles)
  • Gravity: 1.01 standard gravity with a density of 3.0
  • Axial Tilt: 5.3%, with minimal seasonal changes
  • Orbital Period: 384 days
  • Rotational Period: 24.8 hours
  • Classification: M
  • Surface Water: 68%
  • Atmosphere: 1.07% is a standard pressure with 74% nitrogen, 26% oxygen, 0% trace chemicals
  • Terrain: It has sculpted jungles, millions of flowering plants with slight rolling hills and an occasional small mountain.
  • Population: Prior to 2381, 2.81 billion Risians, and up to 1.3 billion tourists at any one time.

Climate and Geography

Originally a dismal, rain-soaked, and geologically unstable planet, Risa suffered through years of tectonic activity resulted in the planet's surface being fragmented into ten small continents, all about the same size, and all located around the equator. However, the planet was transformed by the native Risians with a technologically sophisticated weather control network that provided almost-constantly desirable weather, as well as seismic regulators to eliminate the geological instabilities. The planet has two very small ice caps which gave it a hint of natural coldness.

By at least the mid-22nd century, Risa became known for its beautiful tropical resorts and abundance of pristine beaches, making it a popular tourist destination.

Bodies of water

  • Northern Ocean
  • Southern Ocean
  • Sea of Partheous
  • Leyven Sea



The captial city.

Suraya Bay

Suraya Bay is a coastal resort, known for the villas built into the cliffs and as an excellent diving location. It is where Lohlunat, the Festival of the Moon, is celebrated. Outside of the busy festival period, it is considered to be peaceful and quiet, an ideal location for those who wish to spend their holiday in more solitary pursuits.

Temtibi Lagoon The Temtibi Lagoon is a popular tourist destination, with warm waters and sweet-smelling breezes. The planet's weather control system ensures that the lagoon never experiences rainfall, and there are plentiful hot springs in the surrounding hills.

Monagas Peninsula

One of the more popular regions on the planet. The largest resort in the Monagas Peninsula is the Sheltered Arms resort.


Maklau is a resort situated along a beach[1] and a bay[2] of the same name. In late 2398, the crew of the USS Resolution were housed at the Maklau Resort Hotel pending an investigation into the cause of that ship's destruction.[3]

Some establishments and sites of interest in the greater Maklau area include:

  • Crunchy's Cafeteria, a greasy spoon-style diner catering primarily to retirees. Known for their early bird specials.[4] Menu items include salads and Crunchy's Signature Transgalactic Cheeseburger.[5]
  • Eatery, a casual dining establishment with a menu including apple pie and balarah milk.[6]
  • Harmadu's Paint-Your-Own Horga'hns, a craft shop where customers can paint their own souvenir statuette of the Risian fertility symbol, the horga'hn. Other items available for paint and purchase include coffee mugs and gravy boats.[7] The proprietor, Harmadu, can arrange jamaharon for customers after their statuettes are painted.[8]
  • Lua Pele, a beachside bar offering bad whisky and a variety of fruity drinks.[9]
  • Scratch That Itch, nightclub and bar offering shots, dance music, and attractive barbacks.[10]
  • Xaevu’s Discount Holo-Arcade, offering holosuites for hire and a library of programs.[11]

Other Known Settlements

  • Hanotis Harbour
  • New Atlantis
  • Sunset Acres
  • El Dorado Hotel and Vacation Resort
  • Tolari Tower
  • Malone Towers
  • Crystal Ranch
  • Croesus' Palace
  • Grasha's Resort
  • Central Weather Control

Areas of Interest


Galartha is a popular rock climbing destination, notable for having a cliff face that changed pitch and handholds while a person climbs it.

Other Points of Interest

  • Mount Parohi
  • Catona Bluff
  • Straight of Andre
  • Montasmery Cove


Risan sea turtle

The Risan sea turtle was a aquatic reptile indigenous to Risa, capable of camouflaging themselves on the sands. They have been known to deliver nasty bites if disturbed.


The Kolicco is a medium size fish, smaller then Earth's Tuna, but with similar consistency. It can be cooked in various ways, being a traditional ingredient on Risian cuisine.


They are small sized fishes that resemble Earth's Sardines. Slightly fatter and with less fish bone they can be cooked almost the same way.


The Horga'hn

A horga'hn is a statuette that symbolises fertility on Risa. It comes in many sizes, from small carvings to statues to a hotel with a giant horga'hn built into it. It is believed that to own one was to call forth its powers. Displaying one publicly indicated that one was seeking jamaharon, a mysterious and pleasurable sexual practice native to Risa.


A festival of rebirth and renewal, celebrated every spring.


The Festival of the Moon is celebrated annually, every summer, in Suraya Bay. It has become a major draw for tourists, with the usually serene Suraya Bay playing host to dance parties, beach-side competitions, aerial tours of the island, and powerboard races across the sea.

Recent History

See also: Risian History
In 2381, Risa was laid to waste by a Borg attack on the Beta Quadrant. Thanks to advanced warnings about the Borg armada, many Risians and their guests managed to be evacuated in time, though the planet itself was devastated by the attack. The Federation government undertook a massive rejuvenation program to return it to its former, pristine beauty. This massive project required major efforts to purify both the water and the atmosphere before any attempt to cultivate and reintroduce plant and animal life. During the work, the Federation employed workers from across its territories, including over 250 million Remmilian's

In all, the project took almost seven years, and was successful beyond all wildest hopes. The Risian government that requested that three areas areas were left untouched by the project, as a reminder of just how fragile life can be. These memorials draw both local pilgrims and tourists, and are a valued reminder of history as the rest of planet shows little trace of the Borg attack.


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