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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code THAA
Federation Status Neutral
Planet of Origin Thanis
Encountered USS Naples
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level A
List of Named Thaans

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This species is protected per
Starfleet General Order 1

No personnel may interfere with
its normal development

"Run swift, be still, strike hard, we eat."
a Thaan greeting.
The Thaan are a species in tune with their world. A hunting species well suited to survival, one that has flourished and expanded across most of their world. They are just evolving out of their primitive stage and starting to develop settled communities.

Home System

  • Quadrant: Alpha
  • Location: Innfaddur Sector (coordinates A23-0001-1295)
  • Proper Name: Thaan Piris system
  • Star: It orbits a class F (Yellow-White) star
  • Distance from Star: its orbit is approximately 51 million km
  • Companions: It is the 5th of 14 planets in the system
  • Moons: none

Home World

  • Proper Name: Thanis
  • Diameter: 19,069 km (11,849 miles)
  • Gravity: 0.97 standard gravity with a density of 3.6
  • Axial Tilt: 11.1%, with normal seasonal changes
  • Orbital Period: 474 days
  • Rotational Period: 26.8 hours
  • Classification: M
  • Surface Water: 58%
  • Atmosphere: 1.09% is a standard pressure with 73% nitrogen, 26% oxygen, 1% trace chemicals
  • Climate: Mainly a semi-tropical/temperate planet
  • Terrain: It has vast forests, swamps and hilly terrain.
  • Population: Just over 500 million


At this time not much is known about their history. The crew of the USS Naples who did the survey has determined that they have not yet developed a written language and that most of their history is passed down verbally. More observation will be required to obtain any useful data.


Each small tribal group has a council of elders. From this two or 3 would travel to a sacred gathering of all of those tribal sub-divisions important leaders every few years. Different tribal sub-divisions work it differently. Some allow women to have positions of power, others do not. Some include the tribal medicine men/women and some do not.


The Thaan are a humanoid race that are roughly 1.2 to 2 meters tall, and generally shun clothing, as their bodies are covered by a thick scaly hide. A ridge of bony horns begins at the bridge of their truncated noses and stretches in a cone-shaped pattern to the top of their foreheads. Thaan are greenish-brown in color, with red, slit-pupiled eyes that see equally well in daylight or darkness.

A long length of coarse black hair (almost a mane) starts just past the top of the forehead and flows down the back. Thaan males often braid this mane into complex patterns, decorating them with bits of bone, foliage, or other decorative (but primitive-looking) jewelry.


The Thaan language is composed of many grunts and multi-syllabic, staccato phrases. In addition, hand gestures make up a good portion of their "speech" and as such makes silent communication very easy for the Thaan.


As with most intelligent humanoid species they have a very complex system with specialized organs, and unique hormones, chemicals and enzymes. They are typical humanoids with most of the physical, mental and biological medical problems that seem to plague most humanoids.


They appear to be highly superstitious and fear the wrath of their gods. Other than this from all appearances they are a proud people, friendly when they need to be and willing to fight when they have to.


Different tribes worship different gods. For the most part these are usually associated with the elements, stellar phenomenon and various types of wildlife. With all the different pantheons it is impossible to determine just how many different ones they may have.


Each and every single god has their own series of stories and those stories can change from one tribe to another. As a result it is estimated that they probably have more than a few thousand of these tales.


They are divided in to a large number of tribal sub-divisions. Each of these tribal sub-divisions have different gods, beliefs, customs and practices and they control large areas of land. Within each sub-division will be smaller tribal groups, some of these are nomadic and others live in permanent villages.

The Thaan are a superstitious culture, though they are generally quite friendly to strangers, particularly strangers that give them gifts. Some Thaan have even picked up a smattering of Basic (Federation Standard, Galactispeak, etc), and are usually quite eager to see non-Thaan. However, any attempt to trespass on sacred ground will be met with violence.


Females wear highly decorated robes of animal skins but this seems to be the extent of any artistic expression unless you count the many different ways they have to braid their mane and decorate themselves in primitive splendor.

Singing, rhythmic dances that tell a story, lots of deep drum beats and chanting are enjoyed by all and seem to be a tribal activity as all members regardless of age takes part.


Not much was learned during the short time that this species was under observation in regards to this subject. More observation will be needed before any useful data can be collected.


They are a primitive hunting people who are skilled in primitive survival skills. They would be about equivalent with the native North American Indians when they were first encountered by Europeans.


They are completely self-sufficient and have very few needs that they cannot meet by making or gathering it themselves. That being said their does seem to be a bit of inter-tribal trade of those things found in one region but not found in others.


They are excellent hunters and trappers, skilled in primitive combat particularly with spears, slings and clubs. In addition, some few Thaan possess primitive firearms (flintlocks and the like), presumably traded to them by some unscrupulous smugglers who mistakenly landed on their world. (Very few Thaan can shoot these weapons well; they are notoriously inaccurate firearms and the noise usually startles the shooter as much as his target).

Federation Intelligence Files

The deep space exploration vessel the USS Naples spent two weeks making observations but did not establish any contact.


This is an original Starbase 118 species created by Cmdr. Varaan.

This profile was revised by the Species Development Committee.
REV 239806.14
Please add any new information discovered during the course of a mission or shore leave.