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Not to be confused with the Kriosians

Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code KIRO
Federation Status Neutral
Planet of Origin Kiros, Par'tha Expanse region, Beta Quadrant
Encountered ATF: "The Bulls vs the Rams"
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level M
List of Named Kirosians

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The Kirosians are native to the water world of Kiros in the Freeworlds Region of the Par'tha Expanse. Continental drift millions of years ago separated their evolutionary ancestors into two major groups. The separation allowed the Kirosians to evolve independent from their distant 'cousins,' the A'Kir.

They are bipedal humanoids with four limbs, two arms and two legs. The A'Kir stand anywhere from ? cm to ? cm tall. They have a thin fur covering most of their bodies, ranging in colour from white, through various shades of browns and greys, to black. Their craniums have developed with snouts and horns reminiscent of Terran ovine (sheep).