
Revision as of 07:46, 29 June 2007 by Canreb (talk | contribs)

Prantis III

Prantis III is a small hot jungle planet with large growths of massive exotic plant life. The moist air is refreashed by daily torrential rains. Small flying insects and other small creatures frolic in the deep green, at home with the constant smell. About 2/3's of the planet is jungle the other 1/3 is made up of deep lakes and rivers.

Their is only 1 city on the planet built into the one and only mountain on the planet. The mountain is actually an artificial construct built by the natives. It is so big that it can be seen from space. Here under the ground they have built their civilization.


This insecoid race stand about 4 feet tall with 2 massive back legs. They can jump over 20 feet. They have 4 arms and 2 compound eyes on either side of their heads. They can lift 5 times their weight which is usually about 50 lbs. While they appear to a very fragile race with their extremely narrow body and stick like arms their green skin is actually very tough. They have excellent vision and are able to do very intricate work with their highly nimble claw like hands. They make excellent engineers, craftsmen and scientists.