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- This is your new user page. Feel free to edit it however you wish to display more about your OOC (out of character) self, such as your name/alias and a list of all of your characters. Learn more about the wiki: New Wiki User.
Basic Stats
- Name: Jodiie, or Jode.(I’m not bothered)
- Joined StarBase 118: I had joined exactly a year ago. However due to health issue and work ect. I ended up being AWOL and thought. How much I miss SB118.
- Writer ID: C239604KC0
- Favorite Trek series/movie: my favourite Stark trek series, without a doubt is Voyager. I just love Katherine Janeway, however I am currently in the middle of DS9 and the original Star Trek series. So I might have to get back to you on that one. My favourite trek movie would have to be Star Trek: Beyond. ( I mean I just love the storyline. Finding out what happened to USS Franklin. A massive plus for me is watching Chris pine ;) and those blue eyes.)
Player Characters
- Your personal NPCs
- Your previous ships.
OOC activities
- List your teams and taskforces