James Mckenzie

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Personal Information

  • Birtdate: 235612.18
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Terran
  • Place of Birth: New Tawas, Mars
  • Hair: Dirty Blonde
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Height: 6 ft 1 in

Family History

  • Father: John B. Mckenzie-born stardate 234803.17 to Robert and Jaylee Mckenzie on Mars. He grew up on a small farm complex on Mars. After his father had died he took over the farm. On stardate 235804.09 John married Jessica Barnes. Ever since they have lived on M
  • Mother: Jessica E. Mckenzie-born stardate 234705.10 to John and Mary Barnes on Mars. Moved to the captial and got a job as secatary for the ambassordor of Mars. She later met John Mckenzie at a conference in New Tawas where they got married on stardate 235804.09.
  • Siblings: none
  • Spouse: Married to Ensign Alesha Jones Mckenzie. Maiden name of Jones. For more infomation see her Starfleet file.
  • Children: none

Awards Recived



 â⿬¢ James A. Mckenzie was born on stardate 235909.23 to John and Jessica Mckenzie. He was brought up on the small farm on Mars in the town of New Tawas.
 â⿬¢ As of an early age James had a dream to be in starfleet. He worked very hard so that the could pass the training to be come an enlisted person in starfleet he hoped to one day be a chief petty officer. But he was having trouble in school with his work. His worst subject was Math and Science he was always behind the rest of the class. He asked the teacher for a tutor to help with his math and science. By 11th grade he was passing all his classes and he was getting an A in Science.
 College and Academy
 â⿬¢ James Graduated 21st out of a class of 567. Right after he graduated James went straight to the enlistment office. James handed the officer his resimay. The officer looked at and said "you would make a good officer are you sure you don't want to got the the academy." James looked up and said "You think I can make it." The officer said "Yes, I'll nominate you now." A little time later James was at the the Academy.
 â⿬¢ Ensign Mckenzie starts to date Alesha Jones. Ensign Mckenzie dumps Alesha Jones because he finds that she was cheating on him.
 â⿬¢ Ensign Mckenzie Makes up with Ensign Jones and makes two new good friends. Ensign Quinn Knox and Lt. jg Stirling.
 â⿬¢ On Stardate 238004.28 Lt.jg. Mckenzie and Ensign Jones were united in the holy sacrement of matrimony on Mars. Lt. Stirling was Mckenzie's best man and Ensgin Jones' Maid of honor was Ensign Knox.


Professional History

Color code: Station change | Assignment change | Promotion | Accomplishments
 â⿬¢ 237906.11: James graduated from the academy with a good grade and with a masters degree in science and a bacholars degree in astrometrices.
 â⿬¢ 237906.12: James was promoted to Ensign and asigned the job of Chief Science Officer aboard the USS Nemesis-B.
 â⿬¢238001.01: Mckenzie was promoted to Lieutenant JG and about the same time two new science officer joined the ship under his command.
 â⿬¢ 238002.18: Mckenzie leads an away mission to the USS Newton.
 â⿬¢ 238006.27: Mckenzie is promoted to full Lieutenant
 â⿬¢ 238101.10: The USS Nemesis-B is destroyed,
 â⿬¢ 238101.31: Some of the USS Nemesis-B crew is transfered to the NX-Achilles renamed NX-Nemesis


The stardates might be a little off. :) Also see the NX-Nemesis' website: http://www.starbase118.net/nemesis/