Katya Pavlova

Revision as of 15:50, 4 December 2019 by Oddas Aria (talk | contribs) (updating the current living situation)

Katya Pavlova is the daughter of Irina Pavlova, currently living on Bajor with family of Oddas Aria.

Duronis II Embassy
Katya Pavlova
Position Printzyessa
Rank Civilian
Species Human
Gender Female
  • DoB: 2170.04.02
  • Chronological Age: 231
  • Physiological Age: 16
Birthplace USS Columbia NX-02

She is extremely smart, very sarcastic and enjoys pranks. In school she is praised for always being on good behavior and never causing any trouble, but that is because she simply never gets caught in any of her pranks or tricks. Her favorite prank so far was to hack the grades for a boy who was getting straight Ds and change his grades to straight As. The boy never got in trouble because everyone knew he wasn't capable of the computer breech.

Katya is especially talented with electronics and hacking.


  • Full Name: Katya Pavlova
  • Current Rank: Printzyessa
  • Race: Terran
  • Date of Birth: April 2, 2170
  • Chronological Age: 231
  • Physiological Age: 16
  • Place of Birth: USS Columba NX-02
  • Gender: Female
  • Telepathic status: None
  • Religion: None
  • Languages: Standard, Russian, Klingon, Laudean, Bajoran (learning)


  • Height: 1.52 meters (5'0")
  • Weight: 40.8 kg (90 lbs)
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Eye Color: Gray


Dimitri Popov

Dimitri Popov

Katya never met her father, who died while she was in long-term stasis on the Columbia.

Irina Pavlova

Irina Pavlova

Katya's mother. LtCmdr Irina Pavlova, Deceased.

Oddas Aria

Oddas Aria

Barely a year after the death of Aurora James, Irina Pavlova remarried and again Katya found herself with a new stepmom. Katya has quickly grown very fond of Aria and despite her young age, understands how awkward it likely is for her moving into an existing family. (239406.29) After the death of Irina Katya went to live with the Ijo Cada and Ijo Teevin, family Aria considered her own.

Graciela Solis

Graciela Solis

Grace was the Chief Medical Officer on Irina's first ship, and is Katya Pavlova's godmother.

Jazmine Snow

Aurora James

Katya's step-sister from Irina's previous marriage.